Madison Reeves on why she left LMG to – 1304 points –
Thread by @suuuoppp on Thread Reader App

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We shouldn't witch hunt but this should be taken very seriously.

As for history of the victim lying... Never fall into this toxic mindset, even if it does happen you should never rush to this conclusion either. It's disgusting

Sitting here waiting for both sides is disgusting? Fuck off lol.

No implying that people in this position have a history of lying is disgusting.

It discounts and underlays the seriousness of the situations and discredits them without due process

Edit: removed personal attack, my apologies I should take issue with the content not the user

They do. But I guess go off and be outraged without a response from both sides.

You're a child.

Like I said don't witch hunt but don't dismiss her either, which you have tripled down on at this point.

I'm not outraged I expect due process, what grosses me out is your attitude


I'm not dismissing anyone. I'm fucking waiting for both sides because of history.

I can tell you 5 content creators that were cancelled and proved with receipts they were completely innocent in the past couple years. By then, the damage was done, and people didn't care to listen to the accused.

So ya. Call me any childish names you want because I said I want to wait for both sides.

No stop moving the goal posts, you said they often lie whether true or not is Irrelevant.

Given the power imbalance tactics like this have been used in the past silence people that were otherwise completely within their rights.

I'm not saying that Linus did all these things and I agree with you that there needs to be a due process what I'm taking issue with is your language.

My original comment literally says

Let's wait for both sides before picking.

I'm not moving any goal posts. I'm waiting. Learn to read.

Then you clearly do not understand the subtext that saying something like "people lie in these situations" implies.

Ok simp.

Ah there's the Tate we all knew was in there all along.

I know it's hard to acknowledge someone who taught us so much might be party to something so negative.

However we owe it to ourselves and society to hold everyone accountable with due process. You and I want the same thing.

It seems you just don't understand the toxic shadow that subtext can cast.

We all have our own ways we need to grow.

Sorry I resorted to personal attacks.

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