4 Post – 236 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Yet another reason why people shouldn't be using Brave.

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French person here. Le Pen wouldn't be where she is without Macron. He used her as a foil to win two elections, and his party has been hard at work normalising cooperation with the far right in parliament to oppose any left wing bill. He is playing with fire, and one pertinent comment from his PM should not make us forget that.

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I don't see why you would call any catholic leader "Trump loyal". Trump has nothing to do with this (isn't he supposed to be protestant btw?).

What's happening is the Vatican apparently trying to clean itself up a bit. Not really sure if there is anything to expect from it but it's a start.

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The fact that this is actually legal makes me glad to live in the EU. Damn, this shit is bleak.

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Will the media never learn not to give this moron a platform ? We do not need to hear his every "thoughts" on whatever topic. People who have not grasped at this point that he is as stupid as a sack of corrugated plastic will never be convinced. Stop giving him exposure for pity's sake.

A lot have in some capacity; see preprint servers like

The problem is that without papers published in actual journals, you are literally worth nothing in academia. Nothing. Can't stress this enough, publish or perish is no joke. You won't get any kind of job without a stupidly high number of published papers. Young researchers have nowhere near the bargaining power to initiate any kind of change there. Neither do older ones, tbh.

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Yeah. I'd rather hand it over to the weird guy at the bus stop. At least he's not a billionaire douche bag.

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The EU is not any better on that front. Looking a you Elsevier and Springer.

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At the very least it appears incredibly reckless.

Not sure if this is the reason but hexbear's metrics tend to trip bot activity safety nets. So it may not be voluntary.

Now if only everyone would be so quick to defederate preemptively from Nazi instances.

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As loathe as I am to defend Attal, there are multiple documented instances of Le Pen and her party taking money from Russia. Not to mention that until 2022 they were outwardly supportive of Putin.

Well technically, dying does eliminate COVID from your body.

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This is painstakingly well thought and put out. Stuff needed to be said, and let us hope the community voices it as well.

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She quit 2 years ago.

Which would require me to trust the government with my porn preferences. Yeah, what could go wrong.

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The US has what, 300 million inhabitants? Yeah that is a few.

That is a very hasty and reductive opinion to my mind. While I absolutely agree with you on what the issue is, this is a complex problem and not a question of genital appendages.

It is impossible for young researchers to "earn" a permanent position without giving their soul and toil to this system. This makes sure that the people actually "succeeding" are the ones less likely to actually go against the system, since it benefited them. The ones that do try are hopelessly alone, and no amount of male gonads is going to help them change the culture.

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This is an accurate summary of the situation. We have a social problem, and a pretty bad one at that, not a terrorism or an immigration problem.

So much this. Our rightwing is hellbent on importing every single moral panic from the US to detract from their blunders and authoritarianism.

Crazy woman eyes leading position in meth clown posse, more news at 11.

Not that it would surprise me in any way, but do you have a source for this claim?

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Maybe it's not actually abandoned. Just providing plausible deniability that way.

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So, I guess she isn't getting better, is she ?

While he is undoubtedly part of it, at least by way of enabling scummy individuals, Linus is not the only problem here. The whole premise and work environment at LMG is batshit insane it seems.

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This is an excellent and thoughtful response. Thank you for taking the time.

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This. I have much more quality discussions here than I ever did on Reddit. Not sure wtf they are on about.

Nah, I'm just autistic AF.

Well, shit.

What is described here is abuse. Plain and simple.

Meth addicted inbred sociopathic hamster human hybrids are safer than Elon.

Yeah. I mean for a couple million I have can build a rocker that is guaranteed to send billionaires to Venus. Just sign that waiver first please.

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Rammy is running 0.18.0 which still has the bloated postgres database issue, so storage should be ramping up real fast. It is still technically possible to forget about it, don't get me wrong. I was merely pointing out it is not the only possibility.

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Do you have proof of that. Cause if true this is really bad.

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No matter who wins we all lose. That's kind of the point whenever these guys turn up.

To be fair they did slow down quite a bit lately. I have been watching a lot less so can't really speak to the quality though.

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Do you need a shark to go with all that jumping mate ?

Yeah, this should be illegal. This is a monopoly on steroids funded by taxpayer money.

Nah, let's skip to the part where Musk tries to move them using cheap labour and a screwdriver.

Wait ... we already had that.