Madison Reeves on why she left LMG to – 144 points –
Thread by @suuuoppp on Thread Reader App

I just can’t believe how bad some workplaces are. A female friend of mine once told me that her boss said to her, in a meeting with others present: “I should throw you down on this table and rape you for suggesting that.”

I don’t care what was said. I don’t care how good that boss’ sense of humor is. I don’t care what kind of hilarity goes on in that office environment. Those words should never be spoken aloud in the workplace (or anywhere).

And as someone who works at a real, adult workplace where such things are not tolerated, I’m just floored to hear these stories. I once told a female coworker that she’d been harsh in a meeting and she fired back that I was being sexist, basically telling her to “smile more.” I shut my mouth and kept my head down for fear of being fired if she reported me.

And other people are threatening rape, calling people n-words, and all this bullshit - and getting away with it? I am just stunned.

“The number of daily items the Social media role at the time was expected to fill was incredibly high. I was expected to post 3 tweets, 2 Instagram posts, and 2 TikToks minimum per day. I was also expected to plan, film, edit, and post 2 Floatplane exclusives per week”

I think saying “incredibly high” is an exaggeration

Apprently they have a whole team doing that same output now, so no, it is not exaggerated.

Planning, filming and editing two professional grade videos plus interacting with a community of 15 million people doesn't seem high to you ?

"They're super-terrible to work for and I've just coincidentally chose this period of the company's social implosion to quit and speak up. This is definitely not a bandwagon move. #metooLMG"

I absolutely do not wonder where you would have stood during gamergate - with the worst people fathomable.

I probably wouldn't have been standing at all, seeing as how I have no clue what "gamergate" is.

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