Schwim Dandy

1 Post – 58 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

"This unbiased and purely informative piece of journalism sponsored by Apple."

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Let's help people remember her Muslim identity then, I'll start:

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For those offended by subscription for ad-free experience and data collection, consider Connect for Lemmy. No data collection and no pay-to-browse scheme.

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Solution. Reverse the CAPTCHA reaction. If it's solved, it's a bot, if not, it's a frustrated human.

Follow me for more tech tips.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi dapibus id ex a elementum. Donec finibus sapien id rutrum iaculis. Nulla maximus, erat nec vulputate iaculis, leo dolor elementum lectus, eget facilisis felis sapien in ex. Sed scelerisque eget ipsum sed sollicitudin. Mauris molestie tempus ultrices. Nullam et dui aliquam, pulvinar diam vel, condimentum eros. Vivamus luctus gravida elit vitae rutrum. Phasellus maximus est bibendum turpis tincidunt, a interdum sem faucibus. Vivamus a facilisis tellus. Vestibulum cursus suscipit leo nec imperdiet. Aenean et nibh non dui semper posuere.

Praesent a lacus ipsum. Nullam sollicitudin faucibus leo. Nunc bibendum eros elit, a ullamcorper risus luctus vel. Duis maximus augue ut sem interdum, et aliquet est congue. Vestibulum porta porta sem nec elementum. Suspendisse in ante eget quam sollicitudin euismod. Donec rhoncus magna nibh. In eget venenatis massa. Proin interdum nulla turpis, ac mattis lorem tempus eu. Nulla consectetur mi vitae nunc dignissim tincidunt. Cras condimentum ante ac nisl convallis, sit amet convallis sem mattis.

Morbi erat diam, bibendum tempus mattis id, tristique at ligula. Aliquam blandit rhoncus urna, ut vulputate felis tempor vitae. Nunc dapibus leo eget pellentesque tristique. Vivamus leo eros, aliquet et aliquam vitae, vulputate non sapien. Nullam porttitor libero et pretium vehicula. Proin efficitur lacus in nulla dapibus tincidunt. Integer eu dolor felis. Nullam nec ante at arcu gravida hendrerit. In commodo, sem eu rhoncus convallis, nisl sem auctor metus, dignissim congue felis urna eu erat. Vivamus magna felis, efficitur a dui sit amet, vehicula mollis arcu. Pellentesque sit amet gravida neque, vitae vestibulum massa. Mauris venenatis nisl at tempor elementum.

Nullam vel fringilla diam. Aliquam erat volutpat. Phasellus in lacus nisi. In dictum sem mollis purus scelerisque, ac tristique tellus consectetur. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Nulla quis aliquet lacus, in laoreet ligula. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Morbi turpis magna, eleifend at nunc id, pretium posuere sapien. Integer luctus dui et neque lacinia feugiat. Aliquam justo diam, cursus quis purus vel, gravida sagittis elit. In eleifend aliquam suscipit. Donec erat eros, lacinia at cursus nec, dignissim eget augue. Vivamus volutpat eros eu faucibus tempus. Mauris porttitor risus leo, ut congue neque eleifend id. Quisque at lacinia lacus.

Suspendisse potenti. Mauris sed elementum nibh. Sed quam leo, mollis et ipsum sit amet, porttitor rutrum ligula. Nulla erat lectus, pulvinar a ornare vitae, tempor sit amet mi. Nulla aliquam quam a turpis laoreet bibendum. Donec interdum sit amet diam sit amet consectetur. Curabitur in lorem volutpat, maximus enim eu, pretium nisi. Cras eu felis orci. Mauris tincidunt, neque non gravida ornare, dui felis tincidunt purus, sed imperdiet ipsum quam sed mauris. Sed velit erat, dapibus a finibus et, euismod eget sapien. Aenean ac nibh eget est consectetur volutpat ut vel est. Integer et pharetra tellus. In mattis felis nec tempor eleifend. Nam condimentum et sem a lacinia.

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The only thing that surprises me is that this fact surprises anyone.

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Isn't there a /c/drama this shit could be dropped in? Least technical article ever.

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I don't think it's necessarily newsworthy as they've stated they would do that since the beginning of the uprising. They would be silly to sit on their thumbs while losing communities with millions of subs to protest. Open it, recruit a few people that could care less about 3rd party access and keep raking in that dough.

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I found this comment more useful than the OP. With Google getting ready to block ad blockers, I'm hoping this is a way to continue watching YT content.

What's Twitter? Do you mean X?

I'm an actual person. Beep, boop whirrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

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According to your tale, this old boss has some serious connections if inquiries 50 years later are still being directed to him and he called your dad back instead of a law enforcement official that should have been the one returning the call. 50 years later, they can still squash any attempts to turn up the soil.

I know what I'd do, anonymously send a package to the law enforcement agency and then nothing more. There's absolutely no way I'd risk the safety of my family for a man that knew he was burying bodies and took compensation for it. It was his burden to make it right and it's another indecent thing he's doing to place this burden on you for what I am guessing he thinks is for the benefit of his mortal soul. He apparently doesn't want to risk his son's life with this task so he's reaching out to you, someone that's a bit more disposable.

You didn't kill anyone and you didn't help hide the bodies. Don't be the single person in this whole fucked up thing to get punished for it.

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Meanwhile, ad-free Spotify through X-Manager remains free.

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I completely agree with you but I think that the majority of Reddit users don't care and in 6 months time, this debacle will be completely forgotten by them and revenue will have completely recovered. I don't think I'm being cynical about it, I'm just going by past cases(FB, Twitter, etc.). The majority of users simply don't care.

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Everything I'd ever read about the Bob Ross "company" that manages his used to be so protective of his likeness being used anywhere he wouldn't approve. I guess if you're offered enough money, you can become okay with anything.

$6,000 worth of hearing aids later, I remain unimpressed.

The term soaring is pretty relative in this case. It's still completely unknown to the majority of the world. It's just like Lemmy, where the very few rigid types that absolutely couldn't stand for one particular thing that happened to their social network will do anything, including cutting their nose off to spite their face rather than continue to use it. That's why we're all here and it's why nobody else but us are coming.

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People crossposting to the comical number of same-but-mines-different-communities can shit up a feed pretty quick. I'd suggest cutting down on a few of your tech groups and see how it works for you then.

Good. Hopefully, those that make Reddit the experience it is stays there.

War is so weird now. I don't know how well I would have handled living in a foxhole if I knew a model helicopter could fly by at any time and drop my untimely demise.

Just like every other election, it just depends how many corporations put money behind him.

If you're using Spotify on Windows, consider installing a system ad blocker like Adguard for Windows and route Spotify traffic through it. It will strip the ads.

If you're using Spotify on Android, consider installing the app through X-Manager, which will give you an ad-free experience.

What did Gizmodo think might happen instead? That everyone, including those that were never impacted by 3rd party app changes, would just abandon the site, leaving it without users? "Peak journalism".

He may not look like much now but he's still got it:

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UG has gotten terrible in their funding funnel. It's pretty much just a straight drop into a wallet squeeze at this point.

For me, a category as broad as this one is unappealing. I love all sorts of cars but rarely what's posted in a car such as this. "Air-cooled VWs", "off-roading" or "vintage and patina" is right up my alley but there's a bunch that's not.

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It's not an air conditioner. It's a swamp cooler.

I use both Windows and linux daily. I don't have an issue with either.

No, simply because I don't "have to" have content. If Lemmy lacks interesting content, I go outside for a while.

People fork what's what they're using and what's popular. Chromium has the vast majority of the market share so it's most likely to get modified and reused.

As a former Redditor, I can only say that I've not yet begun looking at votes. Why do you determine the value of your post based on that? Make your post, read and respond to people who comment and have a great day.

Have you not seen the hundreds of nsfw and furry categories created immediately upon accessing the fediverse? I don't think tech nerds over 30 are the lion's share of adopters. It's the fucking weird and critically horny.

I looooooovvvveeee theeeeee sloooooooooooow expooooosuuuuuure.

No, I don't believe it can and I'm thankful for that. We don't need another Reddit.

Ironically, you used this sub to talk about Reddit. We left, why don't you move on?

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I'm on less as there's less content of interest to me and I'm not a zealot. This is just another social media platform.

No, you don't install the official app. You install x-manager, then install a patched version of Spotify through the x-manager app.

I was waiting for Boost to release but ended up installing Connect and have been really happy with it. I'm probably going to stick with it.

Well, Reznor didn't secretly write Hurt for JC. He released it on Downward Spiral in 94. JC just covered it. Same for Rusty Cage and Personal Jesus.

I don't know, it looks like it would make for some good toilet paper.