Black, gay Trump supporter brutally taunted with slurs at rightwing conference to Not The – 379 points –
Black, gay Trump supporter brutally taunted with slurs at rightwing conference - Lemmy.World

I've got to wonder how your upbringing worked out when as a black and gay man you end up supporting trump. Over basically any alternative, including never voting and/or leaving the country entrirely. Both still far preferrable to subjecting yourself to the existential torture that is this, as per the article.

People are really good at supporting ideas that harm themselves.

Just see any country and any election ever. Hopefully they don't win but you will always have a significant minority wanting to create a shithole for everyone themselves included.

When I see someone who is LGBT+ and or a minority support trump it reminds me of of the Association of German National Jews who supported Hitler before he got elected.

it reminds me of of the Association of German National Jews

In other words, the people who did Ben Shapiro long before Ben Shapiro.

We call them - cynical jesters.

They offer no resolution, no recourse and no route to better ideas. It's just "My life sucks so because that my life sucks, I want everyone else's life to suck so I will make it so."

So gut instinct: he’s probably a misogynist first and black and gay come after that. It may not be correct but holy hell as a lesbian it describes a lot of the gay male conservatives I’ve met.

The more nuanced potential is that people don’t like being put into boxes or perfectly matching stereotypes. Additionally many people can’t read between lines even when it’s obvious. Trump went very hard against immigrants and Black Lives Matter protesters, and he has white supremacists supporting him and a history of anti black prejudices, but he’s never said that he hates black people. Similarly he’s ranted and raved about trans people, and he allies with people who hate gay people, but his words are not explicitly against cis gay people. So if he wanted to be willfully ignorant to declare himself as the special good one who won’t be boxed in by your preconceived notions of what he should be, all he has to do is not read the obvious messages between the lines and hope they go away.

I have a hard time feeling bad for people who bring bad things upon themselves. What the hell did he think would happen? The group of people calling themselves conservatives have made it their primary goal to eliminate the gays and minorities, and someone who checks both of those boxes wants to become part of their group? It's like those idiots at national parks that try to pet the bears. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

The local conservative party leader is gay... I think it's just that the members are too stupid to realize it or something and he just let's them say whatever they want so he can cling to power?

Wow, we’re at the point where gay people are able to participate in systemic discrimination against other minorities and also themselves.

LGBTQ+ rights have come so far 🥹

(this is all sarcasm)

Oh for sure, he keeps making public appearances to complain about drag queens reading books to children

Lol feck off. “Man shoots self in dick, surprised his dick is blown off, news at 11”.

People here calling him all sorts of slurs are missing the point - people are conservative because they value their own money (even the potential of it) more than other humans.
Being Black and/or gay (or a woman, or disabled, or trans, or whatever marginalised group someone might belong to) doesn't make a person any less greedy or exploitative. You would wish it would make them more aware of the systems of oppression they face and who controls and benefits from them, but considering the quality of education and amount of propaganda and capitalism-serving socialisation we are all exposed to courtesy of said people who control and benefit from these systems, and the promises oppressors make to the tokens they recruit (the "good ones"), it isn't really at all surprising or confusing, and berating the guy as being "unintelligent" not only completely misses the reality of the situation (and therefore any possibility of resolving it), but is also flat out ableist.

You nailed it. The belief in "I got mine, f u" isn't tied to any sexual orientation or race.

It just doesn't work out for the minorities since most conservative-minded people are also xenophobes

I'd wager that these conservative minorities are probably xenophobes too

Thank you for having something intelligent to contribute to the discussion, this place is just turning into reddit with less and less comments like yours.

I appreciate your position on identifying how someone who would otherwise be assumed to be more empathetic could find their way into these ideologies.

I'd add that it's because he as an individual has probably faced very little actual oppression. I make the assumption his parents had money and he lived in a relatively affluent area. He got to his mindset because he hasn't actually experienced what is a reality for so many others.

Again, just assumptions

I will say that it’s an attitude that can only develop with a combined lack of wisdom and empathy.

Intelligence isn’t one thing, but the stories of tokens being used and thrown away are difficult to miss in our culture and even if not it takes a lack of wisdom to fail to see that the bigots don’t like the good ones either. And it takes a lack of empathy to get there. It requires being unable or unwilling to see consequences that others see easily and then to behave reprehensibly to get those consequences.

I will say that it’s an attitude that can only develop with a combined lack of wisdom and empathy.

The irony of luke warm takes like this amuses me to no end.

Nah man.

Conservative means "control the rate of change". In the context of the USA they are conserving the rate of change from a White Supremacist slaver society to society with the shocking idea of black people are people and black lives matter.

It is somewhat about money.

But this post is about the racism and homophobic character that lies at the feet of the Xian white US nationalists core values.

And that ain't money. That is about force.

First of all, I'm not a man.

Second of all, you should really read up on the relationship between racism (and patriarchal heteronormativity) and capitalism (hint: they created ways to dehumanise others to justify the pillaging and hoarding of resources. Racism feeds capitalism).

The idea that they aren't inextricably intertwined, and that money isn't used to manipulate marginalised people in to acting against their own interests, is absurd and wilfully ignorant, at best.

The idea that money has nothing to do with force is beyond ridiculous.

You will never end racism unless you also abolish capitalism (and vice versa - fighting only capitalism but not racism is just white supremacy).

people are conservative because they value their own money

How does that make them any different from liberals?

Black, gay and also incidentally TOTAL FUCKING IDIOT.

Or perhaps he’s just reeeeeally into being abused. Really gets off on humiliation from a particular section of white boomers and their inbred single-digit IQ MAGA offspring.

Just to note that not all white boomers are MAGA. My dad, a white boomer, though heavily fucked with dementia now, was a solid left-wing Democratic his whole life.

For sure not all boomers are conservatives, the ones that are close to me (including my parents) are all left wing and very progressive and none of them have an easy comfortable life or a big pension!

Yeah my mom was a die hard liberal our only political conflicts were that I’m an eco focused communist and she wanted a country just a bit left of what Obama campaigned on.

And it’s not even based on wealth every time. I’ve met boomers who drifted left as they got older and wealthier until they just started adopting their kids’ queer friends who had been rejected by their parents.

The question really comes down to whether or not they’re comfortable with the world changing and that people are different from them.

Yep, people without empathy exist in all generations, an empathetic boomer that sees their grandkids' future getting fucked won't be leaning right!

A lot of these kind of people often let (or even request) you to call them by slurs, often as an attempt to get bonus points from the far-right.

This is an article that is rewritten every Republican party convention for at least the last 40 fucking years.

Man lies down with dog, gets fleas.

I don't like the way that this metaphor blames dogs. This right here is more a case of 'Man lays down with Republican Party, gets chlamydia.'

Man lays down with fleas, gets fleas.

Man lays down with fleas, they don't respect him in the morning. Or at any point in time.

There's a lot of gay people like him tbh so it's not surprising. And yes I've seen these people IRL

Posts must be:

Links to news stories

it's a link to a post that is a link to a news story by the transitive property it is a link to a news story

Ackshtually, to do that you need the Transitive Axiom of Threads, which is faraway in Hinterland behind the great Wildebeest.

Silly black person, rightwing is for whites. You are just a statistic to them.

The right wing exists to preserve existing power structures. It’s all inclusive to those who accept their place in it or fear disrupting too many of those structures. A black preacher may very well be a Republican because while he may not like racism he dislikes women’s liberation and queer liberation more.

It’s popular to reference the Johnson quote "If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you." But it’s important to remember that it doesn’t just apply to poor white people choosing racism over economic solidarity with poor black people. It also applies to some rich black people choosing economic solidarity over racial solidarity with poor black people. It applies to straight people choosing homophobia against their best interests (hell look at Blaire White).

A useful idiot for when "woke commienists" complain that conservatives are not inclusive