6 Post – 252 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Question: why deorbit vs push out of orbit away from earth?

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Easy enough to setup a fake college and funnel immigrants through it, ask Trump he did it for years.

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Always has been

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What are you doing tonight?

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Fuck it have an up vote

10 16 23 43 50 32

16 tastes like chapstick

Works with anything you can think of It helps if you can see the object

There is no upside to Biden debating him. Trump will just spout nonsense to get sound bites

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That's a quick way to get Facebook banned from both platforms

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Yo Kim you can get that shit on Google maps

Here look this is a north Korea concentration camp

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English people understand the limitations Americans have to live under when it comes to language

Edit: jesus you make little high brow joke and all the idiots gets butthurt.

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Theres a simple fix for this whole situation.

If a porn website is forced to track user ids they should make that tracking available under freedom of information.

Watch every Conservative id jockey pull their pants up and step back from the issue if this happens.

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Hope he got his fee upfront

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I love Americas commitment to free speech and the right to protest until it becomes inconvenient

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Question not covered in the article did any of that food make it to the customer or was it thrown away as it was "closing time"

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Taking a note from palpatines book I see

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Putin: So about those weapons

Kim: Yes we would love more weapons

Putin: awkward silence........

Looking at an unfinished game is the equivalent of looking at an unfinished painting, your seeing the first brush strokes maybe some sketches but you have no realistic idea what the end result will be like.

Looking at leaks is a pontless waste of time, the fact they included personal information just makes the "hackers" scummy

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Purposely not fixing that issue

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Think of all that tobacco farmland that could be converted to food crops

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A and B are column headers

X and Y are row labels

Oh I bet they smiled at one point

What's that Putin wins by a landslide! AND his opponent died from multiple gun shots in a suicide !!!!


If this goes to court does the university need to prove its not a genocide?

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Democrats had 4 years to prep a new candidate they screwed up

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This after the ceo dumped shares

Then they go in on foot to confirm instead of bombing the shit out of it

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Jesus learn the lesson from Afghanistan. No one in the middle east wants america to bring its brand of freedom.

You don't want to be the police of the world. Fine. Then stop fucking it up for everyone else.

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I go on for the worldnews & the uk subs they don't seem to be impacted too much but I've not seen the need since the uptick in traffic on lemmy

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Even if they convict its doubtful he will see the inside of a cell.

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Did they defense even defend him?

Edit: corrected spelling because someone thinks they are a smart ass.

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English shitting on our colonies is our favourite past time. You should come along sometime.

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Why the hell did people buy this crap with real money

Cap'n i see the whale thar she blows

Most people are NOT ok with this. The problem is we have no way to remove the vile cow until a GE.

Sunak is so weak he has to keep her in place to shore up support anyone else would have got rid of her already.

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Pretty sure he doesn't have to be in the room for this one.

He is just having a tamptrum

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Probably the end of facebook in the EU someone will come out with a Clone and make it free with no ads

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Yeah ill be waiting for optimization before buying.

This is going to hurt them short term especially during launch.

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I'm with Melania here daddy trump probably hasn't got long left even if he wins its not worth subjecting him to the media circus for nothing.

Yeah it feels like a lot of the moderate voices jumped to lemmy or other alternatives which has allowed the toxic users to surge.