4 Post – 444 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Just another reddit refugee

Avatar/PFP by TmiracleART

Thanks for the explanation!

Wait...are Chrono Cross and Radical dreamers different games?

I have this in my Steam library rn, yet to play.

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It is so so strange to me that there are Americans who want Tlaib to ignore her Palestinian heritage, and be "American first" because she is a representative of the American electorate.

Ignoring the fact that she probably has Palestinian/Arab constituents, these are also usually the same people who shout about their European heritage 5 generations back or whatever (don't even get me started about their claims of descending from Henry the Eight or whatever), and also never actually "claim" Tlaib as American in any other circumstances because she's not visibly of European descent.

Like...make it make sense, Robert from HR, who can't be a direct descended to Henry the Eight because it is literally impossible.

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That's because the Pixel Remasters are 2D. FF7 onwards are 3D games...

Class of 09 on Lemmy??? Damn, we really are growing đŸ„Č

If you've ever seen the "If you're not in history, why are you reading Mein Kampf?" "I'm racist now." clip, it's from this game.

I would love to be a subscriber if Google could guarantee that they won't take my viewing information and then sell it to other advertisers or data brokers, or use that info to push ads on behalf of those brokers in other Google products.

As it stands now, why would I pay with my money AND my data? Google shouldn't get to double dip.

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Time and a place, bro.

Flippant humor on an advice post about a deteriorating relationship due to serious health issues probably isn't it.

Probably what happens in Charles Dickens novel, except everyone has smartphones now.

But tech bros don't think literature or history are important disciplines, so they don't even know what happens in a Charles Dickens novel.

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There's a lot of implicit assumptions about me and my ego in your reply by grouping me with some nebulous group of "childish"... tech privacy moralists?

You're right, people should take a step back from their devices...

That's an insult to Philomena Cunk.

Where are you that therapists can prescribe? I thought only doctors of medicine/some pharmacists could.

Someone correct me if I'm wrong here, but anyone feel like Apple is slowly having an...over-engineering problem?

The Apple Vision Pro, this... the new iPad Pros with FUCKING M4 CHIPS THAT ARE RUNNING IPADOS (??????)

Like what is happening in their product development department lately?

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LEMMY is how I find out there’s a new hbomber video? Not my fucking YOUTUBE SUBSCRIPTION ALERTS??

Thanks, Google!

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The allegations from his sister aside (not discrediting them, I’m just not well informed on that atm), it’s been really strange seeing so many comments cheering for Sam Altman and dunking on the openAI board (handpicked by Altman himself btw) for this whole farce. We have no info on what’s happening inside, just 3rd party hearsay and speculation.

Not only that, the guy who allegedly led Altman’s ousting, Ilya Sutskever, signed the employee resignation letter asking to reinstate Altman as CEO.

OpenAI chief scientist Ilya Sutskever, who reportedly led the push to remove Altman, noted on X (formerly Twitter) that he had some regrets about the weekend of chaos inside OpenAI. “I deeply regret my participation in the board’s actions. I never intended to harm OpenAI,” said Sutskever. “I love everything we’ve built together and I will do everything I can to reunite the company.”

And somehow Microsoft ends up the biggest winner out of this entire situation. I don’t consider myself conspiracy minded
but what the hell is going on here?

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Me out here calling them “plus head” and “minus head” like a neanderthal

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That website asks you to consent to sharing your data with 848 partners, so here's the article text:

Carissa Véliz is an expert in ethics applied to technology. The Spanish-Mexican philosopher, who does not provide a date or place of birth to protect her privacy, is one of the voices that warn us about the growing digital dangers that lurk at every corner and chip away at our individual autonomy. Her first book, Privacy is Power: Why and How You Should Take Back Control of Your Data, encourages developing strategies to not allow ourselves to be dominated by companies and technology. Simple things like using multiple emails to protect the one we really value, or providing companies with a pseudonym instead of our personal data. The essay was selected by The Economist as one of the books of 2020. Last January she published The Ethics of Privacy and Surveillance.

VĂ©liz teaches at the Institute for Ethics in AI at the University of Oxford and she has also worked as a private advisor. The meeting takes place one morning in May in an office with plush sofas and a painting of a country landscape at the Rafael del Pino Foundation, next to Paseo del Prado in Madrid, where she has taught a course on Ethics of Artificial Intelligence. VĂ©liz, who collaborates with various media outlets, including EL PAÍS, has a fresh, almost adolescent voice.

Question. You consider that surveillance capitalism makes an unacceptable intrusion into our privacy to the point of undermining our autonomy.

Answer. Autonomy is a fundamental principle. To have it, you need space to make your own decisions, to think about what your values are and act in that direction. And when they are watching you all the time, the other’s gaze is oppressive, it seeks your compliance. The simple fact of being observed reduces our impulse to experiment, to ask. Human beings need privacy, intimacy and a certain solitude to discover ourselves.

Q. How does this automate our thinking, as you maintain?

A. It affects how we experience things and how we express ourselves. I recently asked that a talk I was going to give not be recorded, we had not agreed to it. They said okay, they announced it to the public, and the camera was turned off. The conversation was lively, the audience participated a lot. At the end, the organizer told me: “It was the most interesting session we have had, there was a lot of interaction.” We don’t realize how surveillance influences us. If we turned off the cameras we would see that we do not think the same, we do not express things the same way, there is not the same type of frankness in the debate.

Q. You defend a system of anonymity to protect our privacy. Can you explain it?

A. It is a system that works with pseudonyms. If we had not allowed the use of these we would not have the works of John Locke, Marx or Kierkegaard... Anonymity is one of the most important social innovations of democracy, in particular, the possibility of making an anonymous protest, going out into the streets... Today we carry our cell phones with us, which identifies us, and that sometimes means that people do not show up when they need to. I defend a system that protects us, as long as we do not commit a crime. The idea is to have a permanent pseudonym that you can use to interact**online*,* but that protects your identity. The people who suffer the most on social media are women and we are pushing them out of the public sphere because we are not protecting them from abuse. Many no longer want to be on Twitter, in politics, or to be journalists. Having a public persona exposes you to tremendous abuse.

Q. We still have no user age verification system that protects minors.

A. A Zero-Knowledge Proof system is being trialled at the BBC. Imagine that a minor wants to watch a program for people over 18 years of age. Through this system, which provides a verified identity, the chain will know if the person is of legal age or not.

Q. In which parts of the planet has individual privacy already been lost?

A. China takes the lead, it has no pretensions to being democratic or liberal. It is going all out with surveillance, it intends for it to be centralized. The surveillance you are subjected to at work has consequences on your personal relationships in a country like this. It affects, for example, the visibility you achieve on dating applications.

Q. According to my score, do I achieve more or less visibility in a dating application?

A. Yes. And visibility is decided by a centralized system of social credibility. The extent to which it works centrally is controversial and a work in progress, but that is the intention and the trend. If you do something wrong at work and your boss gives you a bad rating, that rating will affect you in many areas. That's part of what it means to have a totalitarian system: one aspect of your life influences everything else.

Q. In the West, to escape the lack of privacy, what do we have? Our individual rebellion?

A. Obviously, we need regulation. Collective problems need collective solutions. It is not up to the individual to change things and yet we have power; When we change our behavior, companies and governments are sensitive to it. It’s not about not using your cell phone. We must try to protect our privacy when we can and it is not too demanding. Instead of using WhatsApp, use Signal. It’s free, it works just as well, it doesn’t collect your data. Instead of using Gmail, use Proton Mail. Instead of using Google, use DuckDuckGo. And if you want to have a good party, ask your friends not to take photos and certainly not to share them.

Q. Confidence in the laws that should stop digital abuse is not at a high point.

A. We are at the beginning of the revolution. This is the Wild West and it is a civilizing process that we have experienced before. Cars in the 1960s did not have seat belts. It took decades.

Q. Ethically, what worries you most about artificial intelligence?

A. That five white men in Silicon Valley are designing it at any price.

Q. What types of decisions should we never leave in the hands of AI?

A. Any decision that can significantly affect a person’s life. AI is not a moral agent, it cannot be responsible for harming someone or denying them an important opportunity. Nor should we delegate to AI jobs in which we value the empathy of a fellow citizen who can understand what we feel.

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What functionality would I lose/gain if I switch from Firefox to Librewolf? I'm admittedly an amateur in the privacy space, and I've been pretty content with Firefox + Ublock and container tabs for different profiles, but I consistently get the issue that my browser fingerprint is pretty unique, and I have no idea how to or even if I can anonymize that anymore.

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The article says he was funded by personal savings as well as donations from people. His budget was $20/day, not like he was living the high life in 5 star hotels. I actually remember reading some of his blog posts and how rough he had it certain parts of his trip, especially when Covid hit.

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Is cancelling subscriptions part of cancel culture now?

I mean
I guess

Edit: wow I interpreted that comment very wrong.

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Spain is a pretty Catholic country, and even if religious attendance is dropping off, the ingrained beliefs can still remain. Madonna/Whore dichotomy still is very prevalent in certain parts of society there.

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I'm like 90% sure Nvidia employees get stock options, but I'm not sure if that'd be the case for the newest batch of hires.

But yeah, this is a clear cut illustration of how salaries undervalue the actual labour provided, I don't think any Nvidia employee's getting 100M from their stocks + salary.

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I get what you're trying to point out, but I actually didn't mind it. People have downplayed a lot of what Biden has gotten done with the house and senate that was handed to him, and it was nice to hear some of the work the Executive branch has accomplished laid out.

There's way more focus on the bullshit of the SCOTUS and Legislative branches because that's where all the doom and gloom are, and we know that's what sells.

As much as I would love to invest in a BMW, are they still selling subscriptions to access features like dashboard camera recordings and heated seats? I don't remember if they walked that back, but I don't trust them enough to not implement it in the future again if they did.

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I mean hot tub streams already exist.

Twitch hasn’t been a “games only” site in a long time.

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Considering that Vincke (or another person from Larian) has stated that everyone from WotC they worked with has now been laid off despite the huge success of BG3, I'm glad Larian are focusing on their own IP instead of bringing in money for WotC/Hasbro.

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Me: I bet it's a finance company

The first fucking sentence of the article: "When Ty landed an introductory phone interview with a finance and banking company last month..."

Jokes aside, I've had one AI job interview in the last year, and while the AI was more dynamic than the one mentioned in the article, it was still a weird experience. I'm not really sure what the legalities are around using my likeness and voice to train the AI either, but it made me realize I'm not very comfortable with video interviews that have become the norm during Covid.

I also like that the article points out it can go both ways. If the recruiters are interviewing using AI, there's also live AI tools that will help the candidate navigate that interview. Soon enough, it'll just be AI interviewing AI. And isn't that the world we really want to live in đŸ€Ą

As a current university student, I see a lot of iPads and Surface tablets in my classes. They have essentially replaced traditional laptops in any specialties that isn’t computer science adjacent.

You can handwrite notes straight your textbooks/slides or type with an external keyboard without having to carry around a textbook+notebook+laptop. It’s very convenient.

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Guess I’m driving my 2010 Honda Accord and burns oil and leaks steering fluid a few more years.

Should probably get the steering thing fixed.

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Ngl, the Samsung foldables look sick as hell. But I'm not ready to go back to OneUI bloat or whatever they're doing with SamsungAI.

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It's really fucking weird to see the disconnect between the powers that be and regular people regarding Israel/Gaza.

I can't really think of anything in my lifetime that had the same disconnect. Was the invasion of Afghanistan/Iraq this protested? Vietnam maybe?

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Hasan Piker has a great tweet about this

Very useful, just like my dedicated Cortana key. đŸ€Ą

Is this the
incest game? Is that why they’re being harassed? Or is it something else I’m ootl on?

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Well, they technically will see SOME cents of this because I'm pretty sure Nvidia gives employees stocks too.

But yeah, I also posted this because it's a clear illustration of how most salaries will never reflect the value your labour brings to an organization.

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The "Halo Effect" has been a known psychological phenomenon since 1907 researched by uh...Wells and someone else who I can't remember.

I don't want to rain on your cranky old man parade, but unless you're 100+ years old I don't think it was ever just "being a gullible dumbass", it's very much a known societal bias that has been leveraged by the advertising industry. Don't think you're immune to it just because you think you're "above it".

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RUNNING IPAD OS?? Apple what is happening 😭

No, in regards to Elon, he has always been a weirdo with women, starting with his first wife according to this essay published in 2010.

I really urge people to read it if you haven't already, there are some great tidbits in there like him saying "I'm the alpha" as they were having their first dance at their wedding (hilarious stuff).

None of the claims in the Verge article are surprising if you ever read Justine Musk's essay.

The Democrat's strategy to appeal to their base really seems to be, "Look, we're not as bad at the other guys." And they really aren't realizing that that isn't enough, because it's not just about Israel/Palestine anymore. I really don't think the people who are also repeating this party line (including the ones on Lemmy) are realizing how out of touch this sentiment is especially the younger Millennials/Gen Z.

I've seen my friends get attacked, arrested, and get criminal records from the university encampments and protests, and nothing was done to protect them. In their eyes, Trump would never protect them, but neither did Biden or any other Democrat in power. How can they be trusted to protect the people in the future? Seen from this lens, I don't think it's unreasonable to think that there might be people out there who find voting for Biden unpalatable.

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Ok seriously, who the fuck are these chucklefucks that keep getting into the news cycle??

I keep hearing about a new “right wing pundit” every week, are they being made in a factory?

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