Michael Knowles Wants to Arrest LGBTQ Pride Attendees

HLMenckenFan@lemmy.worldmod to politics @lemmy.world – 253 points –
Michael Knowles Wants to Arrest LGBTQ Pride Attendees

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Ok seriously, who the fuck are these chucklefucks that keep getting into the news cycle??

I keep hearing about a new “right wing pundit” every week, are they being made in a factory?

Pretty much. If you have few to no morals and don't mind risking getting punched in the face when out in public then you could be a right wing pundit.

Maybe if these fascist ball sacks were always met with a volley of rotten vegetables every time they showed their disgusting faces they'd crawl back to the sewers where they belong.

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they're being cloned. contrary to popular belief, the bigotry is by design rather than an accidental mutation.

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