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Joined 1 years ago

The notification light would also let you know what type of notification it was by colour on my old Samsung Note.

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In a factory, down tooooown!

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Americans need much better sex education

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Here in the UK, those yellow capsules are often recycled to use for concealing drugs in your anus. Happy Halloween!

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Notice he didn't say who's wedding ring...

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Yea, this is probably a crime in a lot of places. Am I wrong?

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This won't affect her as Sunak is the Prime Minister of the UK.

We had an ad that actually said "piracy funds terrorism" here in the UK. Made me laugh my arse off.

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Reminds me of those Sovereign citizen videos on Youtube. People are sitting in their cars feeling all high and mighty filming the cops saying they can't arrest them for X or Y reason then the cops just bust their windows and pull them out whilst they're still screaming their bullshit. I'm not the biggest fan of the police but I do find those videos satisfying.

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Best friend has an argument with her partner and stays over at mine.

Admits she got hungry and raided the fridge late at night, but all she could find in there was some salmon that tasted bad.

My friend took a huge bite of partially thawed raw chicken thigh meat.

Take it math wasn't your favourite subject.

Respect for leaving that up though.

Yea, what is it?

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Well, I'm naked on the toilet right now. So that makes you the pervert. But also doesn't mean I want you to stop.

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Then Disney will only need to negotiate once when they buy them in 2025

Keepass, synced between devices with Syncthing

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I don't want to sound arrogant but is reading a few paragraphs then copying and pasting 3 different commands into a terminal really that difficult?

It will make life easier in the long run as having a repo added will update the software with sudo apt upgrade in the future.

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This one is real though. 1000010860

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Kinda sad they went with Pomni for her name rather than Xddcc.

But Xddcc was my Grandma's name so I'm a little biased.

What a moron I was, all I learned was hyper text markup language when I was in school.

I heard that. "Smeeeeg- ma"

I think they're for eating

Lol. Better headline: "Youtube tries any random crap it can think to stop people using Newpipe"

I live in the UK so it's cold as balls outside a good chunk of the year. Often when I get home from work my dick is so shrivelled it's practically inverted. No way to aim it. Stand and pee, it goes everywhere. Sit and pee, it goes through the gap between the seat and the porcelain onto the floor or my pants.

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Yup, chocolate one. Might even get some hotdog flavoured water too.

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Ah yes, the NES version of the Kobayashi Maru

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We're a gang now? Sweet! Or salty?

Aww, fuck yea. There isn't a damn thing I'd stop those 3 doing if they knocked on my door.

Ain't nothin' but a heartache

Considering moving away from having a smartphone and using an mp3 player and a little dumb phone for privacy reasons.

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I'm genuinely worried I'll be watching TV and Clippy will appear: "It looks like your entire species is about to be vaporised by a coordinated drone strike. Would you like some help? Well, you gotta beg for it now, bitch!"

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I record every time I unplug my phone charger for posterity too.

One marijuana, please

Just one of the many things that disproves the existence of an all knowing god.

Merry Christmas!

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Yea, no smoker has teeth that white

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I love that it says people under 18 should ask their parent's permission before taking. "Of course Billy, it'll improve your sex drive and IQ simultaneously." Also, is it a suppository? The thing is huge!

Oh boy, this one got me

That dog got a sex robot before I did!

xrandr --output > move the active part over. xrandr --output > move the active part over. xrandr --output > move the active part over. Ear-ly in the morning

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Kinda sucks but at least it forces people to not be landlords for profit and only use tenancy to cover taxes on properties they own.

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