
1 Post – 201 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

That's just so impractical. The point of business travel is to get something done. For that you need your devices, and access to relevant data and systems.

Setting up a clean device for every trip where you cross a controlled border is such a hassle it wouldn't really pass in any company. Well with the exception of defense companies, I could understand them being paranoid enough.

Maybe we just met a second speaker of the infamous bird/dolphin language

Cold calling. And other proactive forms of sales when they seek you out and actively keep trying to convince you that you need their product.

Bonus points if the sales person is unable to actually explain the product and keeps talking about "we don't sell products we sell solutions"

Is water cooling for PC gaming still a thing? It's been 10+ years since I followed any trends.

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8 hours of nominal work does equal about 3-4 hours of actual focused work. This is completely normal don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

Humans need to eat, go to toilet, socialize with their coworkers, relax the brain, move if constantly in the same position.

Btw, meetings are work. If you spend a lot of time in meetings that does count as actual work.

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The biggest issue would be microchips which require some really precise machinery to manufacture.

1930s - complete reverse engineering
By then they had both an understanding of semiconductors and computational theory. Using semi-conductive materials to compute wasn't yet a thing, but there wouldn't be much surprise at the concept. Some kind of reproduction is likely, probably not a 5nm manufacturing process like modern chip factories, but they could make it.

1890s - eventual understanding, but not able to manufacture
Measuring devices were sensitive enough by then to measure tiny electrical fluctuations. They would be able to tell the device functions due to processing of electrical signals, even capture those signals. Biggest missing piece is mathematical theory - they wouldn't immediately understand how those electrical signals produce images and results. Reproduction - no. Maybe the would get an idea what's needed - refining silicon and introducing other stuff into it, but no way they could do it with equipment of the day.

1830s - electricity goes into a tiny box and does calculations, wow!
This is the age of the first great electrical discoveries. They would be in awe what is possible, and understand on a high level how it's supposed to work. Absolutely no way to make it themselves.

1730s - magic, burn the witch!

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Makes sense to reflect on life and understand one has made mistakes. We shouldn't judge people based on prejudice, if he says it was painful for him - it was.

But then the typical billionaire narcissism triggers. Please pity me but only me. I don't see him saying we need to fix the system so no one else suffers the same.

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Fuck mobile operators, this kind of cost should be illegal to exist at all.

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You know what happens when an entire nation is exposed to luxurious lifestyles of an extremely wealthy minority?

Revolution. Revolution happens.

Chinese politicians know this fact too well, that's why they're trying to make rich people hide their wealth.
I mean actually fixing the problem is out of the question, that would be communism.

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The fact that they needed to receive a lot of complaints to reconsider makes me wonder - do they even do any kind of usability testing for their products? Anyone who even sat in a car with only touchscreen can tell you the experience is not comfortable.

And I don't think it's just about the price of physical buttons. Buttons are a selling point right now, they could charge a small premium (not in the thousands but ~$200 certainly.

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Still waiting for Excel stories ...

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No matter what so many people say, it's not mandatory to have a partner!

Invest your effort in figuring out how to live with yourself. Build a life worth living on your own.
A right person might come, or not. But at least you didn't waste your life chasing wrong goals.

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with the virtual assistant earning customer satisfaction ratings at the same level as human agents.

zero equals zero

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Seeing how some users already interpret is as a dating app ... they're not the only ones

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Tldr: No details emerge other than empty platitudes.

Guess whatever really happened is too embarrassing to share publicly on either side.

"Never buy a new car" - the argument being they depreciate quickly, and newer used models are "just as good".
Nope, got burned twice in a row and wasted more money than if I'd bought a new one immediately.

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All the mental gymnastics they do just to avoid outright increaseing prices....

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thought he was having a nervous breakdown

Is there really a difference between thinking you're having a nervous breakdown and actually having one?

Btw, saying this as a huge fan of psychedelics, please don't take any shrooms and drive. Or fly. Or do anything other than lie peacefully in a quiet place and explore your mind.

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Problem? Isn't this the goal of any company - make a lot of money, primarily for the shareholders, but in this case employees are also the shareholders themselves. They are not a charity, they're in this to make money.

One of the rare example of success in capitalism.

(and maybe a taste of what different systems could achieve if we didn't separate ownership and employment)

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If there's a developer deserving of sainthood it's Terry Davies of TempleOS fame. But I'm not sure if he counts as Catholic.

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Even back in the day when body mass and explosive bursts of strength we relevant on the battlefield it made no sense to ban women for being women.

Even if 10% meet the physical criteria, why would you disqualify so many potential recruits

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"Tech" doesn't exist. Entire concept is a lie propagated by companies trying to appear like something different.
Not a tech company - a taxi company, a short term rental company, a video distribution company ...

Look at what they sell, not what tools they use to do it.

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She's so close to getting it, that gender is as much of a bullshit category as race is.
Frustrating to see someone understanding partially but not making the final leap to connect it.

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He's there at the invitation of the current president who's doing an election campaign for his party, leading to parliamentary elections on Dec 17.

The way they got in touch is through a celebrity who is a member of the political party in question.

How is Woz going to help him I don't know, probably boasting that rich and famous want to become Serbians due to their policies.

Edit: those qualifiers like "left-wing", "right-wing", "progressive" can be ignored due to being meaningless. The party happens to be called "Serbian Progressive Party" when translated to English

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Time to sell Nvidia stock. Congrats to Huang for pulling it off. Get out when you're on top.

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Is the simulation collapsing into a Swift-ularity?

Certainly seems so.
Taylor Swift is the only important person in the world according to the news.

I mean I like her music, but if you asked me a couple of years ago who's going to be shaking the world in 2024, definitely wouldn't say Taylor Swift.

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Didn't read the article but the answer is - yes.
The "Ugandans" part is superfluous.

Less than 1%? Did they forget to flip a boolean condition?
Like that's worse than random, it's worse than if you intentionally wanted to be wrong.

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It could be not on purpose.

Did they even build their system with the idea that copyright can expire? This is the first major video work to expire.

In a lot of companies this would be the first feature to be given low priority and sent to the bottom of the backlog. To be done "when we have the time"

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Getting rid of apathy is the most important step. Too many people say "I'm not interested in politics".

Politics is everything, it shouldn't be considered as a legitimate choice to stay away from it.

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People are really good at supporting ideas that harm themselves.

Just see any country and any election ever. Hopefully they don't win but you will always have a significant minority wanting to create a shithole for everyone themselves included.

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I really don't get the Nazi belief system.

  1. Some races are superior to others and naturally must rule
  2. Despite all persecutions, Jews are immensely powerful and secretly control the world

According to their own philosophy they should be willingly serving the superior race - Jews

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There are honestly no good wireless headphones out there. Yes, in the price range ~300€ you can get some decent earbuds. But still not even close in sound quality to what you can buy for 100€ with a wire.

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Meetings and discussions are work

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They got $44 billion, double what sane people thought the company was worth. It would be irresponsible not to take Elon for a ride.

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Was it an alien truck?

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A judge saying he will not rule until the trial ends? How shocking!

What men did you talk to, because in my experience most don't shut up about how they are strong and independent

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Very often. There are multiple kinds of attraction, esthetic and sexual don't always overlap 100%. Meaning to say sexual attraction is not just visual - attitude, vibe, voice, smell, etc also play a role.

And none of it means you will get along with them on the personality level.

It's just life. Part of interacting with other humans.

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My guess: using resources of OpenAI for his other personal crypto project Worldcoin