China is banning ‘wealth-flaunting’ behavior on social media to Not The – 251 points –
China is banning ‘wealth-flaunting’ behavior on social media

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You know what happens when an entire nation is exposed to luxurious lifestyles of an extremely wealthy minority?

Revolution. Revolution happens.

Chinese politicians know this fact too well, that's why they're trying to make rich people hide their wealth.
I mean actually fixing the problem is out of the question, that would be communism.

This is one of those laws where I fundamentally disagree with the state having the power to make laws like this because the power will be misused, but in this instance, I actually think the law seems fine? Its not just exposing actual luxurious lifestyles like you imply, its also people going into debt to fake a higher level of lifestyle than they actually live, and this self perpetuates through social media like a virus.

If the government gave even a single shit about the poor, they would focus on banning wealth hoarding not wealth flaunting.
But they don't, so they aren't.
What they are doing is openly showing who they are and what they do care about (capitalists, on both counts), you not wanting to believe it is a different problem.

Hoarding would be sufficient.

Limiting peoples ability to express rarely results in desired outcome.

you and me are probably exposed to extreme luxury from a minority, but revolution aint happening anywhere rn

Yup. And for me the reason is I don’t see rich people as a threat to me.

Idk. That exposure happens here, and it mostly makes people go into debt trying to emulate the appearance of wealth.

Communism wouldn't fix much, and it would only be a temporary fix. It doesn't work well at a larger scale which is why every country that has tried it has either fallen apart or turned into a dictatorship.

We're better off finding the proper balance between capitalism and socialism until someone comes up with a better system that actually works.

I mean most houses crumble when you hit em with a tornado but were still building houses.

What i mean to say is I think we can agree there's enough noise in most previous communism attempts, making them pretty shitty data to base your hypothesis off off

Communism is a house that crumbles on its own, fast, while producing tornadoes that take down other houses in the process.

Fun analogy but uh that's not all that scientific my guy.

Give me 5 min and I'll draw communism as Chad then you'll be fucked

Which Communist government existed in a world where othet countries didn't actively sabotage it?

Yeah, my thoughts exactly. Gotta suppress those aspirations before they get out of hand. Wealth is just the theme in this case, but could be anything else.

You know what happens when an entire nation is exposed to luxurious lifestyles of an extremely wealthy minority?

They also want the same thing.