Black, gay Trump supporter brutally taunted with slurs at rightwing conference to Not The – 379 points –
Black, gay Trump supporter brutally taunted with slurs at rightwing conference - Lemmy.World

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People are really good at supporting ideas that harm themselves.

Just see any country and any election ever. Hopefully they don't win but you will always have a significant minority wanting to create a shithole for everyone themselves included.

When I see someone who is LGBT+ and or a minority support trump it reminds me of of the Association of German National Jews who supported Hitler before he got elected.

it reminds me of of the Association of German National Jews

In other words, the people who did Ben Shapiro long before Ben Shapiro.

We call them - cynical jesters.

They offer no resolution, no recourse and no route to better ideas. It's just "My life sucks so because that my life sucks, I want everyone else's life to suck so I will make it so."