Madison Reeves on why she left LMG to – 1304 points –
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Our HR team will be conducting a more thorough assessment of the allegations,

Tip for LMG: don't have the founder's wife be head of HR.

She's not - Yvonne is accounting and business, I've never heard of her as being remotely involved with the HR department.

I've heard similar before about her being HR in addition to CFO, but I went to confirm on their site and they don't list anyone as HR staff that I could find.

I believe Linus said they have an external HR contract now. Yvonne was HR when they were much smaller.

HRs job is to protect the company... from employees. So they dont sue.

So they pressure the leadership: you cant do this, because then X will sue.

You cant do that coz then the government will give us a large fine etc etc

Thwy are not there to help the employees. At all. Ever. Lol.