DOOM: The Dark Ages | Official Trailer 1 (4K) | Coming 2025 to – 306 points –
DOOM: The Dark Ages | Official Trailer 1 (4K) | Coming 2025

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To me it feels like they're leaning into more of a Quake 1 aesthetic, which I really like.

Funnily enough I never really liked that the quake sequels doubled down on the sci-fi so hard.

Yeah honestly Eternal should've been a Quake reboot using the new engine rather than a Doom sequel. Everything about it felt like Quake.

Yeah i really prefer the lovecraft aesthetic of Quake 1 over the tech, body horror of the sequels. Science coming into contact with something that defies science and reason is one of my favorite genres of fiction. The Myst, Event Horizon, Doom (especially Doom 3,) and the newest Rimworld dlc all really scratch that itch of coming into contact with something outside of reality, outside of reason and understanding. Really wish for more of that.