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Joined 12 months ago

RDP does not fill the same role as Teamviewer at all. The M$ alternatives would be Quick Assist or the older MSRA.

I had done a few easier Linux installs on Raspberry Pis and VMs in the past, but when I decided I wanted to try using Linux as my daily driver on my desktop (dual-booted with Windows at the time) I decided to go with a manual Arch install using a guide and I would 100% recommend it if you're trying to pick up Linux knowledge. It's really not a difficult process to just follow step-by-step, but I looked up each command as they came up in the guide so I could try to understand what I was doing and why.

I don't know what packages archinstall includes because I've never used it, but really the biggest thing for me learning was booting into a barebones Arch install. Looking into the different options for components and getting everything I needed setup and configured how I wanted was invaluable.

That being said, now that I know how, is that how I would choose to install it? Nah, I use the CachyOS installer now, but if I wanted stock Arch I'd probably use archinstall.

Are you talking about Revengeance? Because Kojima was involved with that game, it just wasn't developed in-house by his studio, and it's a very good game.

The shitty Metal Gear game made without Kojima being involved was Metal Gear Survive.

America didn't drop anything because they weren't saying it in the first place, the Soviets were. America also aren't the ones that coined a new phrase for it, British royalists were, who probably had no knowledge of the Russian phrase. All of this was explained in the article you linked.'s a euphemism for "And You Are Lynching Negroes" - that's literally what people used to say instead of whataboutism

lol who do you think was saying this, and how is "whataboutism" in any way of a euphemism for it? Did you even bother to read the article you linked?

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I also take money from possible fascists because I need it to survive. It's called having a job.

are there seriously already people being paid to shill on lemmy?

every single one of your posts is about how great grapheneos is.

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Yeah the deaths from organ transplants, the risky operations performed as a last ditch effort to save patients who would otherwise die from incurable organ failure, definitely justifies killing 1500 monkeys to allow people to tweet by thinking.

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ABP has always been a shitty adblocker because it's meant to make money rather than actually block ads effectively. They've been accepting money from ad networks to allow their "unintrusive ads" (an oxymoron) for over a decade now, and I'm sure Google is paying for this to happen now.

The primary purpose of neuralink is to make neuralink corp, and by extension elon musk, money.

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Since people bought steam decks.

A judge would probably throw this out long before it went to a jury.

Star Wars was trashed by George Lucas long before Disney bought it. Also "companies are evil when they make movies I don't like" lol

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I just learned about dihydrogen monoxide and I'm NEVER drinking water again.

All you have to do to avoid this is just not open any ports except one for something like wireguard, and only access your network using it externally, and you will never have this problem.

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interpreting all of that from a single letter

You must be an English teacher.

I use this Wallpaper Engine KDE plugin.

You can download wallpapers from the Wallpaper Engine Steam workshop and load them using the plugin instead.

lol transphobia is now saying the genitals you prefer a sexual partner to have when directly asked

"9 out of 10 people that don't want to have sex with me are actually bigots, and definitely not just people with a different sexual preference"

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lol both sides will read this comment and think you're talking about the other one

Am I missing something in this article? I'm not defending either company, but it doesn't seem like they actually have any evidence to confirm either is doing this.

The world's top two AI startups are ignoring requests by media publishers to stop scraping their web content for free model training data, Business Insider has learned.

It claims this, but then they say this about the source of this info:

TollBit, a startup aiming to broker paid licensing deals between publishers and AI companies, found several AI companies are acting in this way and informed certain large publishers in a Friday letter, which was reported earlier by Reuters. The letter did not include the names of any of the AI companies accused of skirting the rule.

So their source doesn't actually say which companies are doing this, but then they jump straight into this:

AI companies, including OpenAI and Anthropic, are simply choosing to "bypass" robots.txt in order to retrieve or scrape all of the content from a given website or page.

So they're just concluding that based on nothing and reporting it as fact?

I mean that sounds pretty reasonable, could they just not think of a name that wasn't already in prevalent use? Was the goal to be unsearchable for anyone trying to find it?

That's like creating a reminders app and naming it task manager.

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"I'm going to own my ex-girlfriend by mailing her a check for $100 and writing 'fuck you' on the memo line. When she deposits the money into her bank account she will be totally trolled."

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By this same logic we should all go post on truth social so there is more of a diversity of opinion there. If everyone just stopped using Twitter it would fade into obscurity even more than it has. People making excuses like this and continuing to use the site anyway are what keeps others on it and keeps the ad money rolling.

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Probably because most of us left Reddit and know exactly how easy that was to do.

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Your Windows 11 install is not spying on you and trying to serve you ads any less than anyone else's. You have the issues, you just don't mind them.

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wow great idea, let me just go ahead and sit down with the CEO of Disney so we can have an honest conversation about them sending money to Israel

Sony Says Crash Bandicoot Art Referencing Racist Language Was Unintentional, Will be Patched Out

This seems kind of silly.

Duck Game might be my favorite multiplayer game of all time. Fuck WB and the tax system in this country that allows corporations to get even the most miniscule of short term gains off of this kind of bullshit.

Like they've already been doing the whole time?

Most private trackers don't allow you to browse the tracker site from a shared VPN, but I've never seen one that doesn't allow your torrent client to connect over one. That would make no sense.

I'm not an expert on this by any means, but I think the issue is they would have to work out how to encode the audio for surround themselves, and then it would be up to all of the different AV receivers out there to decode it properly. Using Dolby just standardizes it to where if your receiver supports that format you know it'll decode it properly.

To me it feels like they're leaning into more of a Quake 1 aesthetic, which I really like.

Funnily enough I never really liked that the quake sequels doubled down on the sci-fi so hard.

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Boy am I glad all of my VPN connections are running on Wireguard these days.

Well, except for my work laptop of course, running a less secure and overpriced proprietary VPN solution lol

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There's no way going open source has done anything but help Doom. I guarantee they've made more money from people buying their old games for the WADs to play with source ports and mods than they've lost money to things like Freedoom.

If there is already a launch command to skip the disclaimer (as said in the Twitter thread you linked) then that mod literally only existed as a soapbox for the person that uploaded it to whine about how CD said the games have offensive depictions of people while a better method to hide it already shipped with the game.

Imagine thinking the Middle East, a "tiny region" which also just so happens to be where more than half of all oil used on Earth comes from, is irrelevant to the discussion of climate change.

You probably wouldn't be so angry if you weren't having to bend over backwards to make nonsensical arguments like this to defend your nonsensical opinions.

Slavery benefitted both white and non-white slave owners.

Edit: at least in the short-term, obviously you could argue differently for long-term effects.

Is there a reason you can't just VPN in and expose only the VPN gateway? My preferred security is not exposing a bunch of random applications to the internet and hoping each doesn't ever have any vulnerabilities.

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I wouldn't be surprised if licensing a song to a video game pays more than the fractions of a cent per stream you get from the bump afterward, and exposure doesn't pay your bills.

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How am I misdirecting? The person I replied to didn't even directly mention the comment in the OP, they just made a sweeping generalization.

I didn't say the comment in the screenshot isn't weird, but that doesn't mean stating your sexual preference when asked is transphobic like they said.

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