DOOM: The Dark Ages | Official Trailer 1 (4K) | Coming 2025 to – 306 points –
DOOM: The Dark Ages | Official Trailer 1 (4K) | Coming 2025

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Anyone remember when Doomguy was a Space Marine?

Yeah, the gameplay looks awesome. But the story seems dumb. But then again Doom did come from a dungeons and dragons campaign.

In the end the gameplay has always been the more important part of the Doom games.

Reboot Doomguy hasn't been a space marine for almost a decade now. He's always been a Titan sent by gods.

There’s at least one audiolog in Eternal that suggests he is, against all odds, mostly human. I don’t know if they might be retconning that.

Well, I mean he still resembles some Space Marines I know of.

He still is, but as he's become a kind of mythical figure in gaming history he has also become so in universe.