Why do teeth don't regenerate?

Granixo@feddit.cl to No Stupid Questions@lemmy.world – 167 points –

Seems pretty dumb in our biological design to not be able to regenerate such a functional (and also easily breakable) part of our body.


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So its kinda like how your brain edits your nose out but if you close and open alternate eyes fast it has a hard time doing that?

Yep! Or even how you usually breath without thinking about it but can take over manual control. Your brain does a LOT of things with your senses all the time that you don't notice, it has layers and layers of intelligence that makes decisions on what it will "report" upwards, so you depend on basically a vast system of managers or sub-officers that are conscious but have no language, to fully captain and control your meat-ship.

Meat ship is my new band name

X-Men 97 recently gave me "Inferior Freak Fluids" for a good band name. Maybe we can open for you, once I learn how to play.