27 Post – 671 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

24yrs, Chilean 🇨🇱 Computer Engineer & Tech Geek 🎮

I literally just came from another post that was talking about this.

Once more, the EU being leader when it comes to users' rights and keeping the big companies accountable for their shady practices. 👍

Sometimes i wish i lived there :')

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You'll usually want 3.5" on anything that isn't a laptop for the price and higher max speed

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Krita 🎨🖌️

It's literally FOSS Adobe Illustrator, why do people don't use it??

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That's ice, right?

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Well there wouldn't be that many dogs if you didin't farm them in the first place.

Did you actually watch Terminator 2?

John Connor (from the future) re-programmed the T-800 to protect his past self.

And his past self befriended the T-800.

The problem isn't the AI.

If AI does go rouge, it is because it was either poorly designed, or we have failed as a species.

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I love watching porn, i really do.

But when i'm watching a movie/tv show, i wanna get some actual plot, you know?

I'm not against the presence of nudity/sex scenes in media. But i'm tired of seeing people on the screen copulating just for the sake of it (again, unless it's porn).

I know that there are people who do have casual sex often (it's kind of a cultural thing), but for a lot of us that's just isn how it goes (or at least not in our current situation).

My point is, i want to see good writing, that does not have to force sex in order to be interesting or have high ratings.

Unfortunately, it seems the more tech we have, the less time and money do the big companies want to invest on making a good product.

Thus, support independent film makers!!

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Reminds me of Deus Ex: Human Revolution

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Best idea is to move the hell out of there 🏃‍♂️🏢

If the building isn't solid enough already to isolate noise and prevent shaking, then there's little that you can do.

I knew it!

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My reaction to that infomation:🗿

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So they finally realized "Gaming Headphones" are just headphones, great. 👍

Can we have sound cards again, now please?

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I doubt this is larger than when MegaUpload got DMCA'd.

But yes, it's pretty big.

What's the deal with the US and pickup trucks?

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The two mayor problems here are:

1- The Fediverse's current lack of network infrastructure (on the idea that it pretends to be an alternative to both Reddit and Twitter).

2- The lack of an app that satisfies the users needs, while also having a nice layout and stability.

I do still have hope though, as Boost for Lemmy is yet to release.

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The entire Unity userbase:

Also, Unix ≠ Linux.

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Seems like the PS3. 🎮

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Oh well, the hipocresy.

Did you actually trusted Amazon bro 💀

I mean he was in GoT.

He's the antagonist on Wonder Woman 1984.

He's the protagonist (or at least his face) on the Mandalorian.

He's co-protagonist in TLoU... and so on.

You might not like his acting, but he's definitely one of the most recognizable Hollywood actors in the last 5 years.

Ah, y también es Chileno. 🇨🇱

Viva Chile Conchetumare!!! 🇨🇱🌶️

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Almost everything that came after Endgame.

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The en-shittification saga continues. 💩

Maybe they shouldn't have left the EU.

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Man, for me it would be funny to do the opposite question.

"What secret do you know that could fix someone else's life?"

I would tell half my family that they are a bunch of conservative hypocrites and that they waste so much f*king money showing others they have money. (Expensive cars, clothing and stuff).

Maybe if they stopped wasting money and being so critical of others, they would have actual friends and lasting relationships.

Sorry, i needed to vent.

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JPEG is for real life photos and document scans, using it for anything else is just lossy compression.

In most cases i've seen it's like this:

Blue - (insert your country's language)

Red - Math

Green - Science

Yellow - History & Geography

For other subjects it varies from school to school.

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Video Game Music 🎮🎵

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I don't get it.

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Literal Postal 2 moment:

The only thing i expect for Google Pixels is for them to have a clean Android install, i couldn't care less if it's hardware was equivalent to my low end Motorola.

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Ban them, exile them all!

Edit: Ok, i may have been a bit too vague with this comment. So i'll be more specific. ⬇️

Some platforms like Tiktok, Instagram, Snapchat and YouTube have been nothing but harmful to youngsters (from all ages), due to their manipulative algorithm and poor content management.

So i do believe there should be a much more stronger restriction in access to those platforms.

Something like, you can register at 16 with your parent's permission, or something like that.

Now i now that sounds very drastic, but consider this:

1- It has been proven time and time again how social media has done more harm than good to teenagers.

2- I'm only talking about about platforms owned by the big corporations, platforms here on the Fediverse are (from my perspective) much more safer (in the sense that you don't really see harmful content if you don't want to).

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I dunno.

For some reason, after the early seasons, they decided to make random scenes where everyone is naked. (Also lots of switching couples frequently).

Boost (the best social app ever) & Jerboa (simple, lightweight alternative).

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Not so stable after all.