Gen Z Explains Why They Want Less Sex In TV And Movies to Lemmy – 323 points –
Gen Z Explains Why They Want Less Sex In TV And Movies



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I love watching porn, i really do.

But when i'm watching a movie/tv show, i wanna get some actual plot, you know?

I'm not against the presence of nudity/sex scenes in media. But i'm tired of seeing people on the screen copulating just for the sake of it (again, unless it's porn).

I know that there are people who do have casual sex often (it's kind of a cultural thing), but for a lot of us that's just isn how it goes (or at least not in our current situation).

My point is, i want to see good writing, that does not have to force sex in order to be interesting or have high ratings.

Unfortunately, it seems the more tech we have, the less time and money do the big companies want to invest on making a good product.

Thus, support independent film makers!!

My thing is that I know sex sells, and my monkey brain still gets drawn to that stuff. But I dont that it feels like I'm being bombarded by it from all sources. It's tiring and doesn't feel healthy.

Do-do-do-do-do!! Do-do-do-do-do!!

Do it HEALTHY!! 🥩🥬