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Joined 1 years ago

What I've seen so many people not understand with the situation we are in right now, is that we can't fix our current situation in one election. Everything is far to tucked up for that, so the best that can be done is vote for the least fucked up option and work to improve things. People refusing to participate or vote for the candidate who is unfortunately our best option currently (biden) are doing more damage than the people voting for the fascist party. The perfect candidate/option does not exist and never will (obviously not saying everything biden has done has been good).

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Agreed, hopefully someday you understand it.

Go educate yourself, and then you can join the adult discussions.

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You need to also vote for someone who actually has a chance to win. Voting for a better candidate who realistically can't win in elections like this were someone like Trump could win is basically handing Trump the win. His base doesn't think for themselves, and would vote for him if he killed their family in front of them. I wish to God we had Bernie instead of Biden, but Bernie wouldn't have won.

You know. I'm tired of seeing images of ceos and executives who have done none of the work for technologies alongside a picture of said technology. Show me a picture of Devin and the other engineers who spent all the hours figuring it out instead.

Dude, he said he was guilty. The fuck are you even trying to say.

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It actually is a big deal. You really need to take some time to think it through to understand that. Either that or you are a troll and I'm just wasting my time right now 🤷‍♂️

Children obeying you because they are afraid of being beaten isn't having authority over them. Its abuse, but sure, fall back on racism to feel superior.

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Sure sure, keep going. You are TOTALLY getting back at me. Go on, keep trying the tough guy act. If nothing else it's amusing.

It's a troll. I doubt they have a kid or married based on their responses. And if they do I feel bad for them. Most of the time if the comment is overly antagonistic they just want to get a rise out of someone since their life is empty and it's the only way they can feel a spark of enjoyment in their life. You have done literally nothing wrong here and you don't owe anyone an explanation.

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Absolutely. I am not very good at it myself, but the best way to deal with these people is to ignore them. Without attention they get bored and do other stuff. Either that or you fight their nasty by being nasty in return. But they have no shame so you kind of have to sink to their level. I will admit I do that from time to time myself to release steam, but its not great for your mental state to do it a lot. Sorry about the ton of unsolicited advice, I just hate seeing it when trolls are tormenting people about things they have no business talking about.

I mean if that's what gets you off then you do you I guess.

That search is the only reason a lot of people end up on reddit. This won't end well for reddit.

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anyone letting elon put a chip in their brain is a moron.

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Anyone paying 50000 for a Twitter handle is beyond stupid.

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The idea that windows would require a subscription for an OS pisses me off more than I thought.

Good way for them to guarantee a exodus of people switching their OS.

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Oil and gas companies need the same rules that cigarettes have. Where they aren't allowed to advertise.

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So basically, they are following enshitification same as many companies have been doing.

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See the cynic in me is wondering whether it was actually a mistake like they said, or if it's a cover up.

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Maybe stop funneling so much of the profits to executives and shareholders and they would be able to offer more.

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Isn't she the pornstar that tried desperately not to be called that and to have that stuff forgotten? Why was she at playboy anyway?

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Just and edgy idiot with a god complex and too much money

You have a good point. Obviously we should vote for it to happen faster rather than try to use the slow descent to fix things.

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Yup, reinforces my love for women.

Lol, too bad the game is already basically dead thanks to blizz. Which is undoubtedly why they are bringing it to steam lol

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This mindset of catering to companies is infuriating. They took the risk creating the business, if they are no longer able to afford to pay wages or have competitive prices they don't deserve to remain open. That's the whole fucking point of the free market. Let these companies fail, the country and the economy will recover and new companies that fill current niches and needs will pop up.

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Most likely paid for those reviews lol

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If they want the strike to end that bad, sounds like it's time to pay better/give better benefits.

I hate that so much credence is being given to the words of that mouth breather. Dude was born with an emerald spoon in his mouth and has a god complex because he bought a car company.

Lol, dude can't even run something like Twitter successfully, let alone an "everything" app. Not a chance in hell I would use it.

Probably because "AAA" games are almost all cash grabs at this point.

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Making me wish I lived in the EU right now

Honestly, I thought I would love touch controls in my car. But I drive a LOT for work and what I've learned is there are very few things as frustrating as being on a bumpy road trying to press a touch screen button and hitting every other button on the screen in the process.

Soo I know I'm not in the slightest the target audience for his shit. But I can say there's no way in hell I would ever trust a vessel from that company going forward.

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More whataboutism from yet another whiny ignorant tankie. Cry more

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Not a chance in hell I would give them that info

Let's be completely honest here. The nazis didn't need much convincing to come out of the woodwork.

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The point at which they are fighting against the majority in the state is the point they stop being a valid government in my opinion. The whole point for states rights is to reflect what the people in the state want. And if the majority wants something and the people voted in appose it, they should be removed from their positions.

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300 a month?! What a massive fucking ripoff.

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If only it was bullshit. Unfortunately it's not

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