[Game] Diablo 4 is coming to Steam

Fubarberry@sopuli.xyzmod to Steam Deck@sopuli.xyz – 74 points –
Well that didn't take long: Diablo 4 is coming to Steam

While it was playable before through 3rd party tools, this will make it much more accessible to many Steam Deck players.



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Lol, too bad the game is already basically dead thanks to blizz. Which is undoubtedly why they are bringing it to steam lol

I haven't been following the Diablo news. Initial reviews were pretty good, what happened?

They actively nerfed xp to make things take much longer and at the same time the end game is very repetitive and even more grind. They don't give you anywhere near enough storage either. I'm sure there is more I'm not thinking of. But essentially the game is good up until you hit endgame really and then with people leaving and it being designed as an always online game you end up having to solo things intended to be done as a group.

Diablo 3 had a lot of issues early on with being an awful grind and punishing multiplayer, part of why I've held off on buying 4 is I wanted to give it time to get polished like Diablo 3 was over its life cycle.

The D3 issue wasn't that it was "grindy", it was that they tailored & balanced the entire thing around the real money auction house. They fully expected you to waste money there to gear your character to make it through the game (namely the last difficulty where a lot of enemies could just oneshot you from out of screen).

Yup. And I dont even mind the grind in d3. But the issue is the grind has to actually feel rewarding and feel like you are progressing.

Loot also sucks. Run a bunch of dungeons and get dozens of legendaries. Too bad they're all trash. Blizzard ruined the dopamine hit of hearing a legendary ding

For real. And for characters that need specific items for good builds it's just painful getting the same 3 legendaries 10+ times

Out of the loop, what happened?

You do the same thing over and over (and over and over) to attempt to level, but all you get for your trouble is shitty gear that you'd rather drop than deal with.

First 40-70hrs are fun. After that... it feels like a chore. It's worth it for the base game, but the seasonal content was a slap in the face. I'm talking they have the player fight the same enemies twice each before they'd drop the thing we need (AND made us start from scratch just to get to do it)

Sure you can try out a new character but the same thing happens. It gets tedious.

For a while we'd play for a helltide, or do some grim favors but again, it get so painfully boring. Again, if you want to play the game go for it, just know that after the main story and sidequests are done there's nothing left but endless grinding

They actively nerfed xp to make things take much longer and at the same time the end game is very repetitive and even more grind. They don't give you anywhere near enough storage either. I'm sure there is more I'm not thinking of. But essentially the game is good up until you hit endgame really and then with people leaving and it being designed as an always online game you end up having to solo things intended to be done as a group.

They actively nerfed xp to make things take much longer and at the same time the end game is very repetitive and even more grind.

And then expect you to reach level 100 for the season, as well as do 2 additional level ~100 challenges to get the entire season rewards.

I'm also not sure if I would say the game was good before the higher levels. It was okay, but there were a lot of weak points already showing, like the skill system or the story. The only good thing were the graphics, but even they are weirdly low quality at times, while eating all your vram like candy - regardless of the settings or available vram.