Nearly all of Evernote’s remaining staff has been laid off to – 412 points –

Its acquirer (Bending Spoons) has taken over operations. They’ve also hiked subscriptions prices and told customers they intend to use new revenues to pay for new features. How they intend to do that without any staff is something I would like to know about.

If you’re still using Evernote, probably a good time to stop.


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So basically, they are following enshitification same as many companies have been doing.

Soon to be purchased by:

A) Meta

B) Microsoft

C) Alphabet

D) Some venture capital firm nobody who uses a computer daily has ever heard of

Place your bets now people!

How many people had heard of Bending Spoons before they bought Evernote? They're a software company but I'd never heard of any of their apps before, either.

I heard of Bending Spoons because I read an article about an unknown company buying mobile apps, raising prices to insane values, and milking existing customers. Then using that profit to buy another app and repeat.

Than I forgot about them until they bought Evernote.

I only heard of them because I wanted to move to Italy and they were hiring and relocating DevOps engineers.

I didn't apply but that was first time I heard of them like 2 years ago.

IIRC they wrote the italian COVID app, "Immuni"

That sounds familiar. I remember being impressed by then because Italy is not known for its tech sector (my brother in law here just learned about docker etc for example even though he's a system admin) and they seemed pretty current on tech.

It was already acquired recently (less than a year ago) by a shady Italian company.

All that lovely text based data on there, I'm sure some companies are salivating at the idea.

Jokes on them, even when I had an account I encrypted all my notes before putting them there. I do the same on Google Keep.

Why would MS be intereted in Evernote? I guess they could incorporate something into OneNote, but what would that be? Are there any technologies worth buying in Evernote?

I feel like they were some of the leaders - they’ve been making their product worse while charging more to use it for years

Higher interest rates mean every company has to be profitable ASAP or they’re deader than bed bath and beyond. Gonna keep getting uglier