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Joined 12 months ago

Its me. Bezzie.

This is news because she was one of the first videos that went viral that day. And to this day there are still people denying it that she died and that she is home safe. There was even a so called interview with her mother who said she was alive. They even went so far to say the truck video was them bringing her to a hospital (ya know because you beat half naked in her underwear body with your sandals to administer first aid).

The Internet used "her being alive" as one of the first propaganda pieces to try to paint the photo that nothing happened Oct 7 and Israel are all liars.

Turns out it's exactly as the videos made it look. Just like the woman being led into a jeep with dark drried blood all over the ass of her pants was probably bleeding from mass rape even though the Internet tried to find every excuse for their behaviors.

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Most of these people are over paid actually. Making without stock over 150k and then around the same in RSUs or more.

The issue is many folks were only doing like 3 or 4 hr a day and then double dipped to collect another paycheck because they had the time to. I don't necessarily fault them.

Friend of mine intentionally took a boring bank job making like 50k less than he was making (so around $125k a yr) so he could coast as a high performer there then planned and did find another gig in Pacific time (were east Coast) and then pulled two checks and still only worked like 42 hr a week.

This is the true reason there making work from home optional.

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Usenet isn't a centralized thing though.... This is just Google groups stopping Usenet support. Plenty of newsgroup providers.

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To quote Thor. Star citizen is a storefront pretending to be a game.

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Outlook simply connects to exchange. You can buy and run your own exchange email server. People have done it for years.

Gmail handles the spam filtering because the protocol hasn't changed since the 70s. It is the same protocol since then. It basically evolved to have spam lists and deliverability ratings based on necessity. Deliverability is impacted by many things including those outside of your control like your neighboring ip addresses. It's not hard. Just super tedious.

As others have said email is already federated but like most federated things to make it not a shit hole in today's world is a lot of work.

Because one side went into homes and kidnapped kids and mothers and dragged them back to Gaza after being gang raped. The other arrested people actually committing crimes. What is with people trying to "not make assumptions" about a terror group?

The people trying to go around claiming that Hamas just defending themselves from colonizers are no better than Sandy Hook deniers and claiming crisis actors lol.

Never forget the guys who founded hi rez come from ncr a cash register company. They believe in money first.

I loved tribes and they killed it for smite. I actually loved smite a ton and played it a lot.

I already have the ad free tier. It's what I've been paying for!!!

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Ultimately this is the thing to worry about. Threads will get the largest communities and as a result the main amount of attention and when/if Meta decides to defederate, it will ruin things. Also, people will generally give zero shits about federation because 99.9% of content will be on meta's instance.

Ironically, the main thing keeping fediverse from being more popular (the decentralized approach and "multiple places the same community can exist") are going to be the thing that kills it if Meta gets involved and becomes the big boy.

Idunno what is arguably worse. The fediverse being restricted to more "technical" folks who give a shit, and thus a far more limited audience than a central platform, or being suddenly disconnected from the hivemind after taking all the content.

(Fwiw, I absolutely think that the Threads fediverse plan is to totally absorb all the content and become the main place for it then possibly pull the plug but honestly at that point they won't even need to the usage stats will basically do the same thing for them.)

Because this was intended to reduce salaries. And many of those people who were laid off have been unemployed since and are likely desperate for a paycheck again.

You'll see these folks easily take a 50 to 100k cut on TC. (granted many are making 300k+ already)

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As a dad with two kids who still finds time to play games. It's the kids. I have to give up sleep to do it.

I mean even with chatgpt enterprise you prevent that.

It's only the consumer versions that train on your data and submissions.

Otherwise no legal team in the world would consider chatgpt or copilot.

Back in the day it was THE distro. Not so much these days.

I mean after what happened it's going to turn a lot of people dark. No different than in the states after 9/11. I legit know people that signed up just to "kill some sand you know what's to get pay back". That's fucked up yes. And wrong. But hardly unexpected just like I expect citizens of Gaza to enmase celebrate the death of Jews now.

Amazon snowmobile it's called. Let's you uoad to s3 that way.

Tech companies aren't hiring. They're firing.

I only heard of them because I wanted to move to Italy and they were hiring and relocating DevOps engineers.

I didn't apply but that was first time I heard of them like 2 years ago.

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That's about the price to compete for a software eng these days.

Factor benefit costs too.

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It is sadly the reality of the situation. Only someone fucked up can see that and the other videos from that day (example the slaughtered elderly at the bus stop etc) and think "Oh Hamas are the good guys."

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This. I got a gaming laptop because gpus were very expensive back then and this was a good one comparable with a desktop equiv. I go to Europe for 2 months a year so this is super convenient. I have never used it on battery beyond moving from one plug in location to another. While gaming battery life is like 45 minutes.

Sunshine and moonlight. Works amazing.

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But bg3 is a multiplayer inspired game.

Bg 1 and 2 set the rpg world on fire. 3 lived up to the hype.

Is imagine the rest of the fediverse will refuse to connect tho.

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It used to cost far less in NYC until they made them be tlc.

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Man bg3 really setting the bar with its cheap respec carrying over to real life.

As someone who goes to Italy yearly with a family of 4 and a dog often the smaller car storage notes are bullshit.

We rent to drive to our home here and then use bikes when or borrow the inlaws car but they often say 5 or 6 seater with room for 3 luggages but it often means at the expense of seats. I often travel with my daughter's stroller beneath the kids feet and a luggage or several backpacks on the floor or in the middle seat and for a several hours drive it's not comfy. Meanwhile my traverse in the states I can fit all of them plus the luggages etc on way to anywhere and we're all comfy for hours.

Not that that's a justification for larger cars but it's definitely not on par and you totally need to play Tetris or sacrifice comfort to make it work.

The only Delta force game that is worth mentioning came out in 1998.

Currently in Italy in the marche region. It's been super humid. Heat isn't the problem it's the humidity.

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Fwiw racknerd still has their 2022 black Friday deals active. I just got 8 core 12 gb ram 100 gb SSD 12tb bandwidth for 161 annual (little over 13 a month). Just search it on Google. It's still live on their store site.

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I mean these guys are generally pulling 300 to 700k a year so... I'd return to office for that easily.

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But people really won't. Their library isn't even that complete anymore. If it wasn't for Coco melon and a 2 year old and the very rare family movie id likely just kill it myself even before all this.

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This idea that we are under funded is not true. Per Capita we spend more than every other country on education than any other OECD country besides Luxembourg.

We are number two world wide for funds to education per capita.

Our funding is just wasted and ineffective. We have a cultural problem with education. Not a funding problem.

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Because the neighboring countries did that in the past in various forms and it fucked them all up in some manner. These are not normal people. They're twisted by decades of living under war or terrorist rule. Their population is so young because everyone old died that half the people alive never actually experienced a stable life. They know nothing but this. As a result they are really hard to integrate.

I mean... If he didn't do the eugenics and the mass murder then maybe we could look past the military conquests but... He was kinda fucked up and people loved under fear even if they weren't on the bad list.

Chatgpt was one of the biggest game changers in tech in ages. Seeing the company implode over night has been interesting.

Had my entire home setup (all my arr services, nextcloud, home assistant, monitoring, etc) all running in my k3s setup on like 5 vms at home. Had velero backups of it etc.

Fast forward to i have no idea what happened and my masters just died. Nothing should sync anymore etc. Nobody in k3s community had an idea either. So lost my entire cluster and the backups weren't too useful since the cluster itself was dead.

Rebuilt with Talos. But man that sucked.

Shit. Now I need to watch takedown again.

Very few folks use a gaming laptop on their lap without some kind of stand or hard table designed for it.

Battery life is too short and you need a place for a mouse.

Israel has historically wiped the floor with most of these countries even without us aid.

Never forget they had like 5 countries try to invade in the war of 1948 and they fought back each one and in many cases conquered territory. (Example they had part of Egypt etc and gave it back).

Granted things have changed a bit but they still maintain a fairly significant military force.

They aren't really worried.

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His family and friends are likely a bubble and thus never see the article to begin with.

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