
20 Post – 58 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I don't understand how this wasn't more of a priority to begin with. If you're going to offer a digital solution for something it should at least be as convenient as the existing physical solution.

6 more...

Do it. Kill it once and for all.

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I would argue that most Bluesky users don't necessarily dislike federation, but rather have no idea what it is, or what the larger Fediverse is.

“I can fake being smart."

Please start at any time.


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I started feeling this way a while back and eventually realized it wasn't the games that had changed so much, but me. Getting older really does change your interests and how much you have fun with different playstyles.

I used to not want to play games if they didn't have some form of multiplayer, but these days if I get to game at all, all I want is a quality single player experience.

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Are there any downsides to doing this?

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To be honest, I found it annoying at first. But I didn't really "get it" either. Now that I've seen a few more posts it doesn't seem vastly different than a lot of the subreddit cultures that were out there and commonplace.

I do appreciate the content 🙂

This was in Texas. I'm sure the Judge doesn't even think of that as a problem there.

I'm shocked. SHOCKED, I tell you.

Beehaw. And effective moderation tools.

Well, he didn't really specify who would be voting

Looks like they're trying to restructure, so not shutting down operations just yet.

But hey, if they do, free scooters!

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Oh wow, this is the exact type of thing I was looking for. I knew someone out there had probably put something together. This is awesome, man! Thanks!

FYI, that grandfathered price goes away after December

In Tech?

Thought this was the default Windows XP background for a moment

Really appreciate the detailed response. Makes more sense why people would be wary of it after reading through that.

Well of course he did.

Ancestry better be making sure they have all their shit patched now.

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And even Artemis only works if you have your kbin account on the artemis.camp instance until they come out with an official kbin API.

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Go get a shovel and an axe and have fun

Let’s go!

Uh huh. So what's his name?

That’s correct

I still sees it


That TMNT game was legit

I've always heard it pronounced "arrrrrs-technica"

Good reporting, ProPublica

Hey, that’s my printer!

Yeah, I keep running into issues with apps with swipe actions. I don't want to delete or archive an email if I'm just trying to use the back swipe function!

Ahh, that makes sense I suppose. Still would be nice to know the home instance at a glance somehow.

Good job on troubleshooting!

Have you looked into possibly migrating to kubernetes or some other form of docker container management/orchestration system to help with automatic scaling and load balancing?

Was there ever any more context given as to why he needed to be able to do this?

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Very much still a thing. Been using both with little issues for years.

I assume people who are looking to try to use all FOSS for social media/chat platforms

Windows 11 running on my laptop

This is another really good one. Thanks!

There's a book I read a few years ago named "Tribe: On Homecoming and Belonging" that delvs into this a bit and why humans are so tribal instinctively. Would highly recommend.
