Android phones may finally be getting a battery health indicator to – 102 points –
Android phones may finally be getting a battery health indicator

I don't understand why this hasn't been included previously?

While the capacity is obviously different for every device model, it's not like the battery capacity is going to change for a device after it's built other than degradation. Just include that information in the device info file already reported to the system and have it calculated based on the designed capacity for the device.

I thought after Apple implemented it, Android was going to add it immediately since it shouldn't be difficult and is a huge consumer help. At least one of the OEMs, like Samsung if not Google directly.

yeah, samsung and other oems had battery health indicators for a while now

Samsung's is pretty useless though... Just says "good." Now idk if there's more details that populate when it's bad but just having a single word doesn't really fill me with confidence. Would be nice to see some more stats.

I've always had one on my android phones, for like 9-10 years now. Not sure what this is all about.

Oh that explains why I couldn't find the option on my work phone the other week. I thought I was just too stupid to find it, but Pixels just don't have it?

I chose a Pixel 6 as a work phone thinking it'd be the least BS, least hassle, best Android experience you'd get, and honestly it felt lacking. Definite downgrade compared to my XS, and at best a side-grade to the OnePlus One my XS replaced.