Arizona man planned a mass shooting targeting African Americans at an Atlanta concert to incite a race war, feds say to – 560 points –
Arizona man planned a mass shooting targeting African Americans at an Atlanta concert to incite a race war, feds say

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S04E02, ~33min into episode. Conversation between Firecracker and Sister Sage.


Purpose. I sell purpose. These people got nothing. Maybe they lost a job or a house or a kid to Oxy. Politicians don't give a shit, mainstream media tells them to be ashamed of their skin color, so, well, I bring 'em together, tell them a story, give them a purpose. Which would you rather believe? That you belong to a community of warriors battling a secret evil, or that you're a lonely, inconsequential nobody that no one will ever remember?

Didn’t realize it’s the new episodes, can’t fall behind even a couple days lol.