Wine Staging 9.11 Released With A Patch For A 17 Year Old Bug Report

Οχάκ to – 154 points –
Wine Staging 9.11 Released With A Patch For A 17 Year Old Bug Report

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Does ReactOS already support the newest office and Photoshop out of the box!?

MS Office 2021 is garbage but at least 2016 and O365 Home (32-bit) are both silver. The linked Photoshop CC 2023 is also silver. That already seems like an impressive feat by the wine team.

React OS is Windows XP so no it is not supported.

It's probably easier to hack ReactOS/Windows XP to run Office 2021 than do the same in Wine.

Yeah, it seems impressive until you actually try to use it and find out that their "silver" is not even close to something you can work with.

Adobe products even when they say Silver you'll get artifacts when moving objects, resizing the window sometimes ends up on a full screen black square and whatnot.

Office 2016 kind of works, poor rendering but works, the thing is that if I only needed Office 2016 features I would survive mostly fine with LibreOffice. I indeed need features from 2019 that wont run properly.