Supreme Court rules gun 'bump stocks’ ban is unlawful to – 263 points –
Supreme Court rules gun 'bump stocks’ ban is unlawful

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Nice theory, but owning a gun makes you less safe, not more. You are way more likely to be hurt by your own gun than successfully using it to defend yourself.

you don't know my circumstances or anyone else's.

It has nothing to do with circumstances, it’s plain statistics. Look up the numbers.

your statistics don't know who i live with, who lives next door, or how corrupt my government is. and, as samuel clemons said, there are three kinds of lies: lies, damn lies, and statistics.

What is it with Americans that they seem so be so afraid all the time. You see danger everywhere. Life now is safer than it has ever been in the history of humanity.

there you go again, assuming things you don't know about me.

So enlighten me.

How many people do you need to kill in self defence, in an average week?

none so far, and id like to keep it that way, but there is no reason i or anyone else should become a victim for a lack of self defense tools.

there are more slaves now than ever in history. there are more prisoners, more prisons, more cartels, more police (but i repeat myself). i won't tell you how you may keep yourself safe. please return the courtesy.

All of those things are because there are way more humans today than ever in absolute numbers. The percentage of people who die a violent death has never been as low as it is now, and that includes people dying in war.

that's cold comfort for slaves

I’m not sure how it’s relevant to this discussion. Are you some kind of vigilante who needs a gun to free slaves?

at this point i'm making due advocating that would-be slaves aren't legally prohibited the tools they need to protect themselves.

You seriously think that the cause of modern day slavery is lack of guns?

Maybe you should call the UN and let them know you figured out the solution to the slavery problem.

You seriously think that the cause of modern day slavery is lack of guns?

that's not what i said. it's a bad faith argument: a strawman.

Then what are you trying to say? I’m still not seeing how you bringing up slavery is at all relevant to the discussion.

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