Child Advocates Back Surgeon General's Call for Tobacco-Like Warnings on Social Media to – 277 points –
Child Advocates Back Surgeon General's Call for Tobacco-Like Warnings on Social Media | Common Dreams

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Go to pubmed. Type "social media mental health". Read the studies, or the reviews if you don't have the time.

The average American teenager spends 4.8 hours/day on social media. Increased use of social media is associated with increased rates of depression, eating disorders, body image dissatisfaction, and externalizing problems. These studies don't show causation, but guess what, we literally cannot show causation in most human studies because of ethics.

Social media drastically alters peer interactions, with negative interactions (bullying) associated with increased rates of self harm, suicide, internalizing and externalizing problems.

Mobile phone use alone is associated with sleep disruption and daytime sleepiness.

Looking forward to your peer-reviewed critiques of these studies claiming they are all "just vibes."

Kids these days with their new fangled smartphones. Back in my day we made new friends at a lynching or at the sockhop.

Everything after I was 21 is shit!

Teenage suicide rates were declining for over a decade, especially in males. Now they are increasing in both males and females. You would have to be a complete monster to not want to study, understand, and reverse this trend.

The homicide rate and suicide rate are inversely correlated. One goes up the other goes down. As a whole the country is getting less violent so this is a predictable result. And it doesn't require anyone to invent a communist plot to sap and unpurify our precious bodily fluids or gay frogs.

I agree it's far from ideal. I might suggest that we don't actively work hard to kill the middle class and maybe stop school shootings. But we won't do that when it is easier for us to blame Emmanuel Goldste--- sorry tik Tok.

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