How One Chinese EV Company Made Battery Swapping Work to – 374 points –
How One Chinese EV Company Made Battery Swapping Work

See, Apple? Even cars can do it :)


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True, mass parallel charging can fulfill more peak demand faster, but from the point of view of the user, it would still be good to have the option to fill/exchange the battery quickly.

An EV6 on an capable fast charger can do 10% to 80% in 17 min

They need to make the swap faster / higher throughput or charging is still going to make more sense .

One thing that would speed it up would be if you could just drop the 1-ton battery by gravity (safely, which I understant is hard on the edges of any hooks holding it, maybe they could use a raised floor, which is what they do in NIO) and snap it back on in 30s or less for a total of 2m. The rest is just your usual parking, pulling the gas hose. Maybe make it go-through so you don't have to manouver into place.