2 Post – 262 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Sometimes the controls are just better on the Emulators at least on older PC ports as they would do dumb stuff like require a mouse / keyboard for menus etc.

On the steam deck in particular when getting steam versions of games with lower steam deck compatibility ratings it often comes down to odd menu issues or controller support.

There is no clean, cheap, efficient source of hydrogen. You still need to transport it around burning more fuel to transport it all around.

There are already multiple ways to get clean electricity for BEVs and the supply chain is cleaner.. Plant, grid, car.

Also coal is already a TINY TINY % of US power production, , going to natural gas sourced hydrogen would be a step backward.

When source to consumption is considered BEV is the cleanest option so far.

More concerning is that so many romantic movies contain an element of cheating.. IE the main characters meet while one or both are seeing someone else and often don't break it off with the other person. In the comedies they are often sneaking around and not getting caught is played for laughs.

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I am surprised there aren't more local multiplayer games on the list. The steam deck is great hooked up to a TV with multiple controllers

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but there’s evidence that this shift is already happening.

Shift? Dude that article has been debunked already.

BEV is effectively running on coal.

Funny thing is that EVs are still cleaner than ICE even when powered by a Coal grid

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I used to use Steam link with my desktop but I find the experience of docking the steam deck way more reliable.

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Maybe if you live in an apartment or dorm where your gaming PC is in your living room.

Mc Donald's already has customer self serve kiosks and mobile apps with the full menu that limit you as to which items you can add or remove.

How did they screw this up and leave things open ended for the LLM?

IE why was the LLM not referencing a list of valid options with every request and then replying with what the possible options are. This is something LLMs are actually able to do fairly well, then layer on top the EXACT same HARD constraints they already have on the kiosk and mobile app to ensure orders are valid?

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An LLM can somewhat smooth over variances in language without having to have all possible variances known just the valid options and the raw input.

  • I would like a Big Mac, no lettuce, no tomato, no cheese.
  • I would like a Big Mac, no vegies, hold the cheese.
  • I would like a Big Mac, no vegies, no dairy
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You do know that nearly all fuel cell vehicles also use lithium and a battery pack, as well the fuel cell it self uses a number of rare earth metals.

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Natural language is really messy.. Could go through many variants on things. Then you get text to speech issues due to audio quality / accents.. And you need an engine that can "best guess / best match" based on what it has or ask for clarification.

Similarly you can ask for TWO of a complex thing: I would like Two.... meals, with,,, XXXX

The FCEV is going to be fueled from fossil fuels for the foreseeable future

Today, about 95% of all hydrogen is produced from steam reforming of natural gas.,steam%20reforming%20of%20natural%20gas.

EV battery packs however can be nearly fully recycled back into more batteries.

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The self serve terminals and apps actually work well. I prefer using them over ordering at the counter.

So ya I am surprised they rolled this out so poorly.

To be used in most recycling programs you would need to fully remove the foil lid, and rinse out every k-cup before depositing them in recycling.

I like self checkout as an option, almost everywhere.

I DON'T like REQUIRED self checkout.

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Repost of a my previous comment on this elsewhere:

They have been “claiming”/ “announcing” this breakthrough since 2017 repeatedly. They STILL haven’t figured out how to mass produce it affordably to make it meaningful. They keep pushing out the date for when it will arrive for many years now.

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So use google wallet..

Instead of rebranding / upgrading one product, Google continues to make new products and have awkward migrations between them.

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Proton is built on top of wine for windows compatibility. The wine project has been very careful to independent build its compatible versions of libraries. There should be no Microsoft code in wine.

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Don't build on or depend on google products.. That is the message they are sending

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Anyone watching LTTs server videos hopes it is only for entertainment as following what they do other than for your home lab would be a disaster.

However they are building up the LAB and are selling it as serious detailed reviews.. This would be a shift from their current content.

Flip side Gamers Nexus is hard core serious and I always have to skip through their videos as they put me to sleep.

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Gamers Nexus They Changed Everything: Valve Steam Deck OLED vs. LCD Tear-Down points out WAY more changes, they refreshed A LOT of the components. Completely new main board etc.

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TIL Flipboard still exists.. I stopped using it many years ago.

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Some people purchase a phone based on looks, some for customization, others for specific apps, some it comes just down to what they can afford

I can come up with strong reasons to use Window or MacOS as your primary desktop os. IOS or Android as your phone OS. Windows / Linux / BSD for a server or appliance OS.

If someone thinks one size fits all THEY are the ones that should not be trusted in terms of tech insights.

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I will put one other mistake in there, is self checkouts with too many prompts. I avoid using self checkout at a few stores because the minimum number of prompts is higher than 3.

Good: scanning starts the process, select done AT MOST asks for how many bags, then payment type, swipe and pay (optional email receipt on pin pad).

Bad: Cant' start till you tap start, asks for member ship card up front, asks if you want to donate, scan, asks if you want to use your rewards, asks for number of bags, also would you like an email receipt?

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Steam Deck and Proton have done wonders for Linux compatibility efforts.

However looking at NEW releases I actually want to play, many launch barely working on windows let a lone via proton / emulation. My back catalog has great support but we need more titles launching with official support.

The worst thing has to be all of the "launchers / game stores" JUST GIVE US GAMES!

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Most RJ-45 connectors (without a boot on them).. The connector only fits one way, the orientation is clear on both ends while holding, looking or even by feel if you have to do it blind and it locks into place easily. Only issue is how fragile the clocking part is, which boots are supposed to help protect but make more difficult to use.

I like reversible connectors like lighting and USB-C but I find them too small and fragile in general and they are not very satisfying to connect.

I have a special hate for connectors that are HARD to blind connect or even tell at a distance like USB-A, HDMI and Displayport which are ether rectangles or slightly not rectangles that are close enough that is hard to tell in the dark behind a device.

I have a strong dislike for connectors with thumb screws, but like locking connectors like Centronics or as noted RJ11 or RJ45.

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More and more I have been using the Bing “chat” search. It does a search, filters through the results and summarizes the answer with links to the sites it found them on.

For certain types of search it is a huge time saver of scrolling through results to find answers on various pages.

Over all bing search it self isn’t bad.

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2010 investigating solid state

2013 mentions working on solid state

2017 ETA commercialize by Early 2020s

2019 Will establish a joint venture with Panasonic by 2020 no ETA on batteries

2023 June commercialization in 2027-2028

2023 Oct ETA still 2027-28

Note that further interviews state: limited production starts in 2027 The 745 and 10 min charging are worded as "could enable" IE will NOT be in the 2027-28 initial release.

They also plan to introduce it in hybrids first.

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As has been pointed out MANY times on the current CAST items if you have an accident large enough to go through the replaceable parts the crash bars and it DOES damage the cast it is a write off anyway.

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Sounds like the correct answer to the question is Newfoundland, if it isn’t the accent it is probably some regional colloquialisms.

When someone asks me where I am from I normally say the city / province. I would never answer Canada while I was in Canada having the conversation.

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The alleged manipulation involved creating an account that exclusively followed a combination of major brands and extremist content, then “endlessly scrolling and refreshing its unrepresentative, hand-selected feed” until it saw a confluence of the two.

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I specifically purchase noise cancelling headphones / earbuds now since it makes it easy to listen at MUCH quieter levels. I have done some tests with the noise cancelling disabled and setting the volume and with it on.. It really makes a huge difference as I am not cranking it up to drowned out noise on transit or walking down the street.

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All of my kids messages are super short or emoji filled, my wife, friends and older contacts all text to text me full paragraphs or sentences.

Need some examples

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I don’t think there is a short clear way to avoid potential centuries of suffering. Living in pain could be worse than a violent death.

Imagine a life time as a comatose patient who is still conscious and can hear but not respond?

Years of nearly starving to death. Years of physical abuse? Slowly dying in a hospital from cancer / some other slow painful death.

Hiker trapped alone on a mountain.

In short no thanks.

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Toyota president Koji Sato also admitted that production volumes of solid-state batteries were likely to be small when the company rolls them out in electric vehicles as early as 2027. “I think the most important thing at the moment is to put out [the solid-state batteries] into the world and we will consider expansion in volume from there,” he said.

SOOOOO not really close.. another press release hyping this up. How small is SMALL? Hundreds?

They clearly are still having trouble scaling production of this technology. It has EXISTED for some time but isn't of use to cars if they can't make hundreds of thousands of them.

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STED DECK, sounds like something I would find on Aliexpress.

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These existed shortly after the iPhone came out under the presumption people would miss the physical keys from blackberries. They didn’t sell well back then I don’t think they will now.

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Canada, one of our primary ISPs offers fibre to the home with speeds of 1Gbit and even higher. So many threads on their forums with users confused why they can't get anywhere close to 1Gbit and it always turns out to be WiFi.

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Guess they didn't learn when this happened to them with the noise cancelling in the Air Pod Pros, which resulted in them nerfing them, then fixing it in a new model.. Leaving a bunch of people with less effective noise cancelling after a firmware update.