Apple Reportedly Suspends Work on Vision Pro 2 to – 394 points –
Apple Reportedly Suspends Work on Vision Pro 2

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This requires an Apple iPhone XR or newer, as the face scan utilizes the TrueDepth sensor.

I'd rather take a plaster mold of my face than have to use a specific phone to order a VR headset.

I could probably borrow my wife's iPhone, but agree, this isn't great and is part of why I don't own one. I'm guessing the custom cushion is a significant part of the price (and the appeal), so hopefully they make an alternative at some point.

"borrow my wife's iPhone" has to be the #1 way people order these. It makes no sense to assume your PC VR enthusiast market has a recent Apple phone on hand

I also happen to be a Linux enthusiast, and since it's SteamVR compatible, it should just work. There aren't a lot of Linux compatible headsets, so I'm guessing Linux users would disproportionately be interested, and they'd disproportionately not have iphones...