1 Post – 62 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Fuck, now I have to say fuck ten time to balance out the five censored fucks in this fucking post. Fuck this fucking noise, you're allowed to say fuck on the fucking internet for fuck's sake. Fuck.

Why do people censor fuck or other profanity on the internet? I don't get it, and until now, I've been too afraid to ask.

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Flipping a bit in software doesn't cost Tesla anything, the hardware is already installed.

It would be totally different if Tesla didn't install the hardware by default, and you had to pay to have it put in.

That's absolutely true. What's hard and what's easy in programming is so completely foreign to non-programmers.

Wait, you can guess my password in under a week but you can't figure out how to pack a knapsack?

Yes we should allow them, because the problem isn't that this tool is available. The problem is that cars and other devices aren't more secure.

If you broke into a bank vault with a screwdriver, you don't ban screwdrivers; you get mad at the bank.

Will smith what? Armor? Jewelry? I'm dying of curiosity here.

A VPN does this, but for your internet connection:

two phone receivers, with the speaker of one against the microphone of the other

The only remedy is attending mass more often.

There's a three month period after giving notice of resignation in France? Is that just a blanket thing, or part of your contract? Does it work both ways (like if you're terminated without cause)?

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Advanced advanced Linux user: "Ctrl+S shit what's the unsuspend button"

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Why would the gift card be for the hospital? Could have been a prepaid credit card just as easily.

If you ever need a slightly less black but still very black paint:

Perhaps I have some internalized homophobia, but aside from sex and gender identity, what else is it?

edit: it's love

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Pine and BeagleBoard have some decent options, but they'll always be more expensive than rpi because of the economy of scale.

Go for it then! Gentoo is a blast (if you enjoy this sort of thing) and is surprisingly stable once you get it set up.

One tip, before I forget, is to save your firmware from MacOS before wiping the drive. Unfortunately I don't remember where it's located, and no longer have access to try and find it 😅

I'm not so sure. Gravity only travels at the speed of light so mass outside of the observable universe hasn't been able to affect us yet.

Ey, congratulations!

I couldn't help but read that to the tune of t.A.T.u. - All The Things She Said

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You'll need to be a bit more specific about the iMac. What year is it?

If it's pre-2017, I'd expect some difficulty with the WiFi. If it's newer, you might have luck with . I haven't followed that guide, so YMMV.

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Father could also be very supportive of a son who transitioned.

If you haven't already, take a peek at Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality. It's fanfiction, but absolutely worth a read.

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Set a code of conduct and ban people who misbehave. Might lose some top players, but it'd be better for everyone else.

Moving back to a city!

Canadian government's news link tax is preventing Canadians from sharing vital information about the wildfires ripping through western Canada

Let's place blame where blame is due.

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Unexpected 40k


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This requires an Apple iPhone XR or newer, as the face scan utilizes the TrueDepth sensor.

I'd rather take a plaster mold of my face than have to use a specific phone to order a VR headset.

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Dependency injection is so much worse. Oh, hey, where'd this value come from? Giant blob of opaque reflection code.

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That said, there are cases of players noticing emergent behaviour in games! For example:

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Why not .tar.xz?

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Here's a language that does bash and Windows batch files:

I haven't used either tool, so I can't recommend one over the other.

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Snaps just aren't ready yet.

Hell yeah!

Ha, abusing fork for asynchronous saves is clever. I hope they are aware of the following restriction:

After a fork() in a multithreaded program, the child can safely call only async-signal-safe functions (see signal-safety(7)) until such time as it calls execve(2).

I'm upvoting you, but I'm not happy about it.

Yes, this. Don't put your whole home directory in git.

Bit of pedantry, but ~/boot expands to something like /home/username/boot.

/boot is a folder at the root of your filesystem, while ~/boot is a directory in your home folder.

This doesn't hold. Commit signature is a feature of git itself, even though the article chooses to focus on GitHub. And afaik github integration of signatures doesn't break code hosting elsewhere, GH merely allows you to register your GPG signature with them so they're able to validate the commits, but the author is still able to enroll the same GPG key to other hosts.

Not only that, but GitHub rewrites signatures on rebase (and sometimes on fast forward merge) with their own private key. Using signatures on GitHub is basically pointless. I think? Don't understand the quotes though.