Animal homosexual behaviour under-reported by scientists, survey shows to – 536 points –
Animal homosexual behaviour under-reported by scientists, survey shows

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Animals don't think "I'm gonna go find another dude to have gay sex with," they just get the urge and act on it with whoever looks good nearby.

Several animal species are famously monogamous, penguns for example.

Penguins (emperors at least) must work together for the eggs to survive.

That doesn't explain why the same couples keep coming back to each other season after season.

In the case of emperors, they don't. They find a new partner each season.

I haven't looked into other subspecies.

Oh my mistake there then. Rockhoppers are one species that are monogamous for life.

Nature FACT: Some birds just have a more advanced capacity to love. Sorry, humans, you just wouldn't get it.