is it illegal to create a ticket on reddit? to No Stupid – -11 points –

Reddit is blocking vpns and invites users to create a ticket if they think there's been an error. I almost created a ticket with email address saying i wasn't sure if I was using a VPN with the body text just being "fuckyouspez!!!!" over and over. I didn't submit it because I thought for a moment "would this be illegal to submit?" It probably isn't, but I am not sure.


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This community urgently needs to be hosted on an instance without downvotes. Maybe there's one somewhere. you like migrating comunities to better places so maybe you could look into that. I don't mind featuring the alternative community above this one when I implement discussion section in the directory.

From what I understand that wouldn't really help. If you don't to see downvotes you have to move your account to an instance with downvotes disabled.

I also made this comment before I realised what the OP was trying to achieve. I thought he was downvoted because he asked "stupid" question as I was barely awake at this point. Haha

I still think some communities would benefit from disabling them though. But as you say there probably isn't a way to achieve that with current lemmy.