given how little one vote matter, it seems to me that stripping felons of their right to vote is both petty and counterproductive if the point was to reform them into civic minded individuals ? to – 372 points –

Also, seems kind of scary that this implies a future where so many people are in prison that their vote could actually tip the balance ?


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Doesn't the US also have the largest population of prisoners in the entire world too?

Currently China, per capita El Salvador. US scores second most population wise (3rd most populous country, so it's not that unreasonable?) and 5th per capita (No excuse).

The US appears to have been slowly going down a little bit, some times when it feels like it, more so if you're white, with a big drop during Covid.

Interesting. I can imagine China's high rate of incarceration is due to the CCCP and El Salvador is due to the cartels. Wonder how many of those in prison in the US are there for pretty drug crimes though...

What is the CCCP? You mean Communist Party of China?

Oops, too many Cs haha! Yess, the CCP /CPC