Microsoft really wants Local accounts gone after it erases its guide on how to create them to – 1018 points –
  • Microsoft removes guide on converting Microsoft accounts to Local, pushing for Microsoft sign-ins.
  • Instructions once available, now missing - likely due to company's preference for Microsoft accounts.
  • People may resist switching to Microsoft accounts for privacy reasons, despite company's stance.

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I was at the make excuses stage until late last year when my excuses were fixed. Booted my windows install maybe four times since then, and that was mostly to grab files from it haha.

Some people like you and I actually switch to Linux, but we're the 4% and we need to remember that.

It used to be about 1%, so actually huge gains have been made

I acknowledge that, the rise has been absolutely incredible. However, I doubt it'll reach above 10% (on the desktop globally).