Pyongyang Says It Will Send Support Troops to Ukraine Within a Month to World – 432 points –
Pyongyang Says It Will Send Troops to Ukraine Within a Month

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the worse country in the world to live it

worst* in*

And I dunno about that. North Korea's average soldier age isn't forty-five.

Nobody's average soldier age is 45. Has nothing to do NK being rock bottom in country rankings. And the younger you are in NK, the more you are probably screwed.

The average age of Ukrainian soldiers fighting Russia is 43-45. Ukraine is almost certainly the worst developed country to live in right now.

Plus, North Korea may be poor by western standards, but they have a lot of comforts that many third world countries lack, so even if you discount my example they're still not the worst by a wide margin.

So like Poland was the worst country in Europe to live in at the start of WW2. Not because Poland was bad but because Germany and Russia were bad and would both soon be just as bad to live in as Poland.