The Supreme Court just lit a match and tossed it into dozens of federal agencies to politics – 247 points –
The Supreme Court just lit a match and tossed it into dozens of federal agencies

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Regarding flight: where to? Of similar "democracies" Europe and Canada have similarly troubling trends. Scandinavia? Australia? SE Asia? Are they any better, really?

Fight it is. Would still recommend flight for the young and old that can't fight. I know my only option and my wife knows the plans in place. As a vet, I know what I need to protect and that's no man/woman in the white house, but the constitution that has given so much to my family.

Never thought growing up that I would need to do such a thing.

Fellow vet, hoped to be done fighting, but this country is devolving into madness, and I'm prepared to fight for the constitution. I took an oath, as all that served did, to defend this country from all enemies, foreign or domestic, and I took that oath to heart. Hope for the best, prepared for the worst.

It feels awful to know this might actually happen again. I can only hope that America actually puts down the rebellion for good this time. We left the schism intact with a failed reconstruction, and look where that got us.