Biden Ended the Trump Crime Wave to politics – 324 points –
Opinion | Biden Ended the Trump Crime Wave

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The vaccine was finished in Trump's lame duck period, Biden had to finish Trump's job because he's a psychopath and didn't feel like doing anything if he wasn't president anymore.

But vaccines are not the end of the pandemic. Biden just used them to trick everyone into thinking it's over.

COVID is still killing people.

It's not the end; it's not something that ever ends, in the same way that influenza still kills people.

But vaccines got us from a disease that was killing an awful lot more people to one where it's one that kills a few.

Where's small pox?

Also, China showed that we could have at least had lockdowns until everyone was vaccinated. Instead we let er rip and more people died from COVID under Biden than under Trump.

Smallpox is a disease where vaccination once protects you for life.

The current round of vaccines for COVID protect you for several months.

There's a difference in outcomes because of that. I'll also note that a big chunk of China didn't get vaccinated either, and that we have a really active anti-vax contingent in the US with the support of Trump and the other Republicans.

We could have kept masking and kept working from home while pumping billions more into vaccines until we could achieve eradication. We chose to let people die instead.

Also I'll note, again, that a big portion of anti-vaxx sentiment in Asia was spread by the US to undermine China. Disgusting.

There are things we could have done better; the US isn't some island of perfection, but it was on the whole, a decent response after Biden took office.

China had a decent response. New Zealand had a decent response. America's response was deeply unserious and had one of the worst death tolls on the world, with most of the deaths occuring under Biden.

Yes, once the anti-vax anti-mask folks got their footing, it was pretty much guaranteed that we'd see a lot of deaths.

The US military spread anti-vaxx propaganda in Asia under both Biden and Trump - the problem is coming from inside!