Biden campaign targets Trump over 'neglect of duty' on eve of CNN Presidential Debate to politics – 58 points –
Biden campaign targets Trump over 'neglect of duty' on eve of CNN Presidential Debate

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Not the Federal government huh? That's why Bidens number 3 at the justice department just happened to demote himself down to Braggs office right before charging Trump

You do realize that is not proof, right? Just because you do not know the reason does not mean the reason is due to your whacko conspiracy theory. And you also realize that a jury convicted him, right?

Proof enough for me, unless someone could tell me 1 other reason why he would demote himself down 3 levels, less pay, less benefits, lower job title. And what are the chances of coincidence he ended up in that court, right before prosecuting Trump? Zero! You're just very naive to think he wasn't put in there for the purpose of prosecuting Trump

You don't seem to understand what proof is. Bragg was a professor before his current position so I'm not sure you know the order of events.

You are looking for something that isn't there because you want to believe that Trump was somehow wronged. He knew what he was doing was illegal. A jury of his peers (even someone who got their news only from Truth Social and Twitter) agreed and that those crimes rose to the level of a felony.

Lol, wasn't even talking about Bragg. He was the DA. It was Matthew Colangelo that was working for Biden and then demoted himself right before prosecuting Trump

Colangelo was the acting associate AG which means it was never intended for him to stick around. He worked with Bragg prior to that and went back to doing that. Saying he demoted himself is not reality.

But again, that would not matter because it was a jury that found Trump guilty. The prosecutor just laid out the substantial evidence against him.

Bragg didn't become DA until November 2021. Colangelo was #3 at the Justice department for 3 years before leaving to prosecute Trump. And yes, a jury did convict Trump based on the instructions they were given from the corrupt judge in the case that also happened to be a Biden donor and anyone that says it doesn't matter who the judge or prosecutor is doesn't understand our system very well because it absolutely does matter. It's also very obvious that Matthew Colangelo's main job over the last several years has been to get Trump any way possible.

And yes, a jury did convict Trump based on the instructions they were given from the corrupt judge

That is not how this trial nor any trial works. It is pretty bad that you fail at that basic knowledge which seems to be what your whacko conspiracy relies on. Sorry but that part is wrong which makes your whole premise fall apart.

Historically, most successful appeals were the result of overlooked errors in jury instructions – often these errors were verbose instructions that confused jurors. For an appeal to be successful, the jury instructions have to be read as a whole and found to contain errors that were not harmless, but rather which ultimately made for an unfair trial. ---Cornell Law School

Guess what has not been done yet? A successful appeal.

Here's your source, BTW since you failed to actually link it:

It goes on to say:

Appeals due to errors in jury instruction have been greatly reduced by the implementation of model, standard, or pattern instructions for specific jurisdictions.

The instructions given to the jury were clear and standard. They were unanimous in their decision. So keep grasping at straws.

Standard? Right...keep telling yourself that. And if you really knew much about law, you'd know that a successful appeal can't happen that fast. The process has been started though, and they've already delayed his sentencing, so we'll see

He used the standard for instruction. You can delude yourself into thinking he did not but all it will be is a delusion.

Okay bud, whatever you say

Thanks for finally agreeing, bud. Glad that the delusions are fading.