Biden resists allies’ calls to exit race after debate performance: ‘I know I’m not a young man’ to politics – 185 points –
Biden resists allies’ calls to exit race after debate performance: ‘I know I’m not a young man’

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The primary process is so heavily fucked between superdelegates, and games played by the DNC that it’s pointless to even try.

Or did you forget it was the superdelegates that fucked Bernie in the early primary, as well as all the other games like removing his access to voter roles for a bug that was reported by his staff,

As well as the first few states generally dictate the course of the primary.

You’d have a point if a) every state primaries on the same day, b) superdelegates didn’t exist, and c) the DNC abided by its own rules.

Bernie Sanders got fewer votes than Clinton in 2016 and fewer votes than Biden in 2020. That's why he wasn't the nominee.

Politics ain't beanbag. If you can't get the most votes than you deserve to go home.

Also if they didn't mess with the primary through media contacts, plus the media itself having its own biases due to their corporate owners and neoliberal talk show hosts, plus things like being able to offer favors to certain candidates for dropping out, or using past power like Obama to secure endorsements and stuff. It's super rigged.

Get the most votes. That's the only thing that matters. Everything else is just making excuses.

Sanders didn't get the most votes. I don't care about the excuses.

Sure, by that logic Putin and Kim Jong IL are legitimate Presidents as well. The other candidates should've tried harder.

In the US, unlike Russia and North Korea, you can vote against the incumbent without fearing for your safety.