Can the SATA-to-USB adapter affect the result of the bad sectors scan?

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Hi, I am planning to purchase a 2.5-inch HDD. If I connect it to my computer using a SATA to USB adapter instead of directly to the computer's SATA, can it somehow affect the result of this scan?

I apologize for my ignorance but I couldn't find an answer to this question anywhere


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USB can actually be ideal in some data recovery scenarios. HDDSuperClone / OpenSuperClone support a relay mode that turns a disk off and back on to regain access after they drop out, and that is reliant on a USB connection.

Will definitely check to see if I can work OpenSuperClone into my workflows. Haven't had failing drives drop out like that before so I can't speak to that scenario. I imagine if it drops out why would that software have a harder time to recover under SATA?

You should, it’s quite powerful and can work in tandem with both DMDE and UFS Explorer!

Power cycling the drive reboots and reinitializes it. I’ve mostly seen it with SSDs - you get a few dozen MB worth of reads before it drops out, unplugging and reconnecting a SATA power connector that many times would be real tedious so you automate it with a relay.