Mark F***king Zuckerberg Is Not Your Friend to – 226 points –
Mark F***king Zuckerberg Is Not Your Friend

I recently listened to a "tech" podcast host drone on for 45 minutes about the "Elon vs Zuck" cage match and this piece perfectly captures the frothing, screaming stream-of-conciousness in my brain at the thought of seeing another discussion about Twitter vs Threads/Insta/Face/burning-sh*itpile. I felt some small amount of catharsis just from reading.


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Love Catherynne M. Valente, amazing author. Check out her work if you haven't already; I'm partial to her collection of short stories, The Melancholy of Mechagirl

I just recently found her Substack and devoured most of the public posts. I haven't gotten any of her books yet, but she's on my list the next time I go into a bookstore. Are there any of her other works that you'd recommend?

I'm a sucker for short story compilations so I would also highly recommend The Future Is Blue.

I haven't gotten around to reading it yet, but Space Opera is also sitting on my shelf collecting dust. I've heard it described as "Eurovision in space"

I've heard it described as "Eurovision in space"

Ok I'm sold, that's going to the top of the list.