A lesbian couple was brutally beaten by group of men in Halifax. Police still haven't filed charges

jeffw@lemmy.worldmod to News@lemmy.world – 680 points –
A lesbian couple was brutally beaten by group of men in Halifax. Police still haven't filed charges

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We don’t know who the victim is

All we know is the woman claims to be the victim and the men claim to be the victim

you don’t touch a woman unless it’s self defense.

Equality, you don’t touch anyone unless it’s self defence

the victim is the WOMAN, how was beaten mercilessly by a GROUP OF MEN. jesus christ, people. only in a morally bankrupt society would this even be a question.

Weird then that you would advocate this

i’d ship every person that insists on their religion over science to some hellhole to rot away. building a better world now saves future generations form suffering. the payoff is immeasurable.

When presumably some of those people would be women

women aren't a fey creature that is innately good.

also, i don't see a long term solution for humanity that doesn't involve cracking a few eggs to make an omelet. it's a simple trolley dilemma.

women aren’t a fey creature that is innately good.

But wasn’t that your argument?

no, it wasn't. feel free to ask me any question that would clarify my stance for you.

women started it, they shouldn’t have been beaten… by men. if you’re a man, you don’t touch a woman unless it’s self defense.

the victim is the WOMAN, how was beaten mercilessly by a GROUP OF MEN

Why would you highlight their gender? If not to say they deserve elevated status

they deserve to not be bullied by an opponent who is physically more powerful than they are. good god, dude. do i seriously have to explain this concept? there's a reason why you're not supposed to hit a woman.

women aren’t a fey creature that is innately good.

also, i don’t see a long term solution for humanity that doesn’t involve cracking a few eggs to make an omelet. it’s a simple trolley dilemma.

How does that align with this?

there’s a reason why you’re not supposed to hit a woman.

Says who? You just come off as extremely sexist. The line is “don’t hit PEOPLE”

well, at the risk of turning you away from understanding my point, i've decided that i'd like to hurl insults back: you come off as extremely short sighted and obtuse.

i agree with "don't hit people", but if you think a woman hitting you justifies you hitting her back and you're male, you're a piece of shit. restrain? sure. defend your own life by any means necessary? sure. but if your ego can't take getting slapped by a woman, you might be a fucking incel.

progressive and gentleman are not exclusive concepts. gender is asymmetrical balanced. men and women are not perfectly equal. they are asymmetrically equal. understand the difference, and understand that if i see you hit a woman in retaliation, i'm going to remove some of your teeth, punk.

You’re drawing lines where there is no need to have them

woman hitting you justifies you hitting her back and you’re male,

Just blatant sexism, an equal amount of force is going to dependent on you size and strength not your gender

You are assuming a man will always be stronger than a woman

Past thar though you already established you don’t believe it needs to only be in self defence as you argue for rounding up and exiling people

obviously there are exceptions to every rule. if big bertha comes at me with a giant ham fist, she might get hit back, but in the vast majority of cases, the male is physically dominant and therefore has a duty to use that power responsibly.

and yes, i advocate rounding up and exiling people that stand as obstacles to a better world. what's your solution?