A lesbian couple was brutally beaten by group of men in Halifax. Police still haven't filed charges

jeffw@lemmy.worldmod to News@lemmy.world – 680 points –
A lesbian couple was brutally beaten by group of men in Halifax. Police still haven't filed charges

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laws based on what? what kind of education? how do we achieve reasonable laws and enforcement?

my point is that we both advocate for humanity. the path is see towards that is a secular one. most of the obstacles to what we want are based in religion.

The obstacle I'm seeing is the police not doing their job. They've already talked to one of the assailants, they know who they are, and have done nothing. Let's start there.

yeah, fuck the police.

but i'm telling you, we are looking at the symptoms instead of the disease.

Are you claiming secular bigots don't exist?


Then the root cause of the symptoms isn't religion, is it? Seeing as it affects secular people as well.

which one is more likely to cause bigotry?

Sounds like bigotry exists in both, the origins must be something else.

you're taking an outlier: a bigoted secularist; and equating it with the norm of religious bigotry. i just don't understand why you would pick this hill to die on. methinks you might have an ulterior motive.

you’re taking an outlier: a bigoted secularist; and equating it with the norm of religious bigotry.

I'm going to take a page for your book and ask for a source on that. What is the difference in bigotry between religious and secular people?

methinks you might have an ulterior motive.

Me thinks thou dost protest too much. You've taken a article about bigotry, that doesn't mention religion a single time, and used it as your soapbox to declare all religion should be banned. I'm not the one with the ulterior motive here, and I'm just pointing that out.

23% of non-religious/secular Americans said that they viewed the predicated changing racial and ethnic demographics as a bad thing.

Holy shit, 23% of secular Americans are bigots. That sure as fuck isn't an outlier, it's 1 in 4 people. Find 3 other secular people, one of you is a bigot. Why are you proposing a solution that ignores roughly 20 million bigots? (Population of 334,914,895, roughly 28% are secular, roughly 23% of those are bigots).

I'm starting to suspect bigotry is not your main focus of concern here.