How it going here? I'm looking forward to helping fuck up Reddit's IPO. to No Stupid – 675 points –

Done with Reddit's bullshit, and happy to check this out as it seems to be popular. Any apps that people would recommend for this platform?


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Hi there! Looks like you linked to a Lemmy community using a URL instead of its name, which doesn't work well for people on different instances. Try fixing it like this: !

Good bot

I have no clue what that bot means.

It means that when you link a community with URL (like, it will not work for people who are not on, because they won't be logged in on If you link like !, the instances will open the link correctly (so for example I am on, and the link for me will be transformed into which allows me to interact with the community).

Okay, but I don't recall even inserting a link into my post. I'm a total noob here and still trying to figure out the jargon, conventions and design of this platform. I probably just need to do some research, but thanks for responding.