How it going here? I'm looking forward to helping fuck up Reddit's IPO. to No Stupid – 675 points –

Done with Reddit's bullshit, and happy to check this out as it seems to be popular. Any apps that people would recommend for this platform?


Lemmy has completely solved my need for news content when bored. I no longer use Reddit.

What are your top news communities here. It sounds pathetic, but I got to nearly 99% of my news from Reddit.

There are a lot of the same type of communities as reddit, a symptom of so many of us coming over. I looked through my subscribed subs and just searched for fediverse alternatives, they were pretty much all easy to find

Tap communities in the header and filter by “all”

That will show you all of the most popular communities across, and other sites sharing their content with

It's not here, but you can watch the pbs newshour on YouTube for free, or you can stream the audio over your phone (I use spotify, but I'm sure it's on other platforms too).

Browse lemmy for entertainment, watch the news for information

Same. Haven't been over there in weeks. I have a few friends that roll their eyes whenever I link to something or say "on Lemmy" when answering a "where did you find this?"

The answer is Voyager.

I’ve switched to Memmy for now, seems a bit more stable. Keeping an eye on Voyage.

This first app to allow full screen swipe back will win for me.

Do I just not know what full screen swipe back means? On Liftoff, Connect and Jerboa I return to the feed by swiping from the left side to the middle of my screen.

Summit does it too. I actually swiped back just to see if it was true. Then grumbled the whole 5 seconds it took to get back.

I feel like I forgot that was a thing but now I’m sad that I remember. The race is on!

+1 for Voyager. It's had like 6 releases since I installed it, sometimes multiple on the same day. It's the most polished and complete interface I've found on Android and it installs absolutely everywhere on every system because PWA.

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Tip: try sorting by hot instead of active. Gets better results imho. Also Top 6 hours.

Hot show me the hottest 4 yeard old posts. Top day and less is the best.

I've heard there's a bug that can cause old posts to show in Hot if your instance admins haven't restarted Lemmy in a while.

This should be long fixed. I think people who have been taking about this recently are in instances that are having trouble helping up with traffic? Definitely not sure

Huh, hot never seems to show me old posts. It's not something that should be app specific, right?

Hot has been showing me old posts... today only. really weird.

Oh. I haven't used it much today so I guess I can't know.

Sort by New. There's all sorts of weird stuff popping up like mushrooms after the rain.

I trialled 5 different lemmy apps for Android and IMO Liftoff was the standout best. Looks good, runs smooth and the dev is quick to fix bugs and issue updates.

I just switched to liftoff from Connect. Immediately liking it more.

The green color in liftoff just does it for me

But I stay for the granular text options that so few have

Haha, that colour is configurable in Settings > Appearance.

There’s some UI work on the way that may help with first impressions.

Maybe my phrasing wasn't clear. Does it for me = really makes me happy.

I did change it to match my theme/wallpaper which changes every day. Every other app had that but when I enabled it I missed the green so now it stays

Oh sorry I totally misunderstood! I’m glad you’re enjoying that colour choice then!

Connect is a bit better and more stable in my experience, but I'm staying with liftoff due to it being open source. But I miss its continuous vertical bars in the comments. And I miss the per-page scroll and folded comments by default of RiF!

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Voyager, formally Wefwef, is fantastic. It's like if Apollo and RiF had a baby that's slowly growing into a fully functional contributing member of society with a mortgage a 2.5 kids.

I second Voyager. I tried Memmy and found it hard to wrangle. I wasn’t sure I’d like a Web app on my home screen but I was mistaken. It’s seamless and feels just like a native app. It’s the perfect transition for Apollo users (RIP).

Same, I originally used Memmy but it’s really buggy, and ever since the hack it’s completely forgotten all of my subscriptions and blocks- so no home feed, and I still have to scroll past communities I find unbearable and that one terminally online self-promo spammer on c/atheism who keeps polluting it with links to his rather angry blog posts.

Same. I read some posts in various communities about how, post-hack, you had to log out and back in at and that would resolve the fact that even though you appeared to be online in Memmy, you actual were not (as a result I couldn’t post or comment). But that didn’t work. On the flip side, there was no clear login for Memmy and the only thing I could think of was to delete the accounts and set them back up. Except that didn’t work either. Once I deleted my account from Memmy, I could “login” again. So I got mad (lol), jumped to Voyager, created a new account/logged in and that was that. Flippin’ perfect.

Voyager if you’re familiar with Apollo.

It’s so similar to Apollo it makes me happy.

I'd recommend voyager first it's what I've been mostly using and since I started there's been almost daily updates adding more and more quality of life features and stuff people are requesting. It's been pretty incredible to see! There's also a neat feature that can take your list of subreddits from a reddit account and help you find their equivalents throughout lemmy. Liftoff and Thunder are 2 other good ones I've been playing around with. And best of all, no fuckin ads haha

There's also a neat feature that can take your list of subreddits from a reddit account and help you find their equivalents throughout lemmy.

I tried to use that feature but it looks like reddit has broken two factor auth on their website. I literally can no longer login through a web browser like the tools instructions say to do.

I switched from Jerboa to Connect, Connect has been doing well for me so far, I like it.

Just switched to Connect from Summit and Jerboa. So far so good. I have it setup closer to what I had with RIF, I switched it to reverse list, and amoled theme and darkened up the comment box color.

I also use Connect and just realize there's an AMOLED theme

I did too, but switched to Liftoff afterwards. I think it's the best of all those 3.

Just look at the meme stream in All. How does it look like it's going? There's no stopping this train till runs out of disk space. 🤘

I'm using Lemmy on Connect, I really like it.

I tried a few different ones and also settled on connect. I'm coming from RIF in case you find that relevant.

I came from baconreader and it's very similar in its simple layout. It's been an easy transition :)

Just to clarify, since there's a lot of apps named "Connect" on the app store and this seems like a great opportunity for malware authors to hijack people looking for one of these new lemmy apps, do you mean "Connect for Lemmy" by kurononeko?

Yeah I'm here from RIF on connect, feels good. Still missing a few things, like I don't have a "hot" filter, I seem to be seeing a lot of the same posts. But over all after the past two weeks of using Lemmy, I'm happy to be away from Reddit

I like Connect best, followed closely by Voyager.

Same for me. I switch back and forth between them. I just uninstalled Summit, Jerboa, and Liftoff today.

I did the same. Jerboa has been broke for me for a while. Liftoff looks really nice but I get a terrible stutter when scrolling the feed.

Hello there. If you're not a bot, can you please mark your account accordingly? Thank you :)

How do I do that? I am not seeing I Am Not A Bot in the settings anywhere.

It should be a checkbox on your settings page.

Ahh, I think I just found it on the website on the computer. It indeed was checked Bot Account which I never checked. I couldn't find the option using the Connect app.

Jerboa and Liftoff.

As a former Boost for Reddit user I've been digging Jerboa. Definitely going to check out Boost for Lemmy once it's available too.

I switch back and forth but liftoff is currently my main. I kinda wish I only picked one because the going back and forth is overwhelming but I love checking out the changes lol.

I wish that I could create communities in the app.

Never able to post using Jerboa. It does not even load comments. SMH.

On Connect and Liftoff rn.

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Voyager is what I use, a web app. You can use it as and is a very easy URL to remember. Moreover, at work the proxies filters do not block it!

I'd just use the officialy hosted one cause the lemmyworld admin has yet to automate updates and voyager updates FAST.

Hey! I noticed your title doesn’t match the question in your body text. Could you maybe change that?

You can check this compilation of Lemmy apps.

I personally prefer Jerboa and Thunder. I think I like Jerboa more currently. Neither are perfect. Missing some features, missing more customization, and has bugs here and there. They are getting better and better though!

I am waiting to see if the Slide fork really happens as I used to love that for Reddit before it got abandoned.

Great actually. I think a large portion of Reddit was just bots and shills. I haven’t felt a need to return tbh

It's going fine. There's enough content to keep me entertained and not rely on Reddit at all.

How to help fuck up Reddit's IPO:

  • Using Lemmy itself is already a way to do so. Post, comment, vote, mod, this kind of stuff. In special, create and/or nurture communities about things that you care about, sometimes a post goes a long way.
  • If you got the money, time, and technical expertise to do so, consider building your own instance. Specially if you want to focus on a niche subject.
  • If you still have your Reddit account, and if Power Delete Suite still works, consider replacing your content there with literal gibberish ("4593fnjkfgehjkre" style). Reddit is trying to profit from corps training bots, and gibberish makes it less valuable.
  • If some content creator mentions resources in Reddit, make sure to mention available sources for the same resources elsewhere, or ask for them.
  • Teach people how to google stuff. Seriously. ~50% of the Reddit traffic is due to people using "" in Google to make the results less crappy, but you can get similar results with negative query searches, exact terms, and stuff like this.

teach people to google stuff

Man, the reason we searched for xyz reddit, instead of xyz, is because Google is junk now.

Honestly I Google very infrequently with chatgpt available now. Even then I always use duck duck go over Google.

Yes but it's possible to work around that "junkness" without Reddit. At least partially. (I know from blacklisting Reddit from Google results for years.)

These are awesome suggestions. I have a 9 year old Reddit account and I'd love to nuke all the content I've ever contributed. Unfortunately without push shift I don't think it's even possible to get at anything more than a couple years back, but I research that tool.

If you happen to still have a Reddit account, could you check if the tool that I've linked still works, after the API closed? You don't need to trash all the content to test this, just post something to profile and then remove specifically that post.

Sorry for asking this, but I'm wondering if I should still suggest the tool, and I can't test this out because I don't have a Reddit acc any more.

Unfortunately without push shift I don’t think it’s even possible to get at anything more than a couple years back

It is - up to March/2023.

I'll try to put in some time to test this soon. I really want my account completely wiped out. I did a California data request through the official reddit channels, but they only gave me my data back to 2021. Ideally I'd like to archive all my comments, and then wipe everything, but I'll settle for whatever I can get at this point.

I prefer Kbin but I'll be switching to Boost for Lemmy when it's available since I used Boost for Reddit before it stopped working.

What is the difference between kbin and Lemmy ? Is it just a different instance?

Different platform (software) but they still talk to each other, so same content. Check

Kbin and Lemmy are different software that have communities (magazines on Kbin) where people post content and have threaded discussions. Very much reddit-like.

There are many instances of both Kbin and Lemmy.

Kbin and Lemmy do federate, i.e. 'talk' to each other via the same protocol. This means you can see and interact with content regardless which of the two software an instance has chosen. It's not perfect, e.g. I believe some minor features are not compatible (yet) and I have experienced that federation doesn't always work, but hopefully this all becomes smoother when both mature.

Also waiting for boost. Will probably pay for it, again, too, since every issue I ever had with the reddit app I got a direct response from the dev.

Great! I joined 14 days ago and have been seeing massive growth in content (and what I would consider quality content) in that time. When I stated, things seemed pretty bare and at this point, it’s filling my Reddit craving.

Along with that, Voyager has been an amazing app and the rate at which they are improving it has been unbelievable. I feel like I see a substantial update every day or two.

I’ve been off Reddit since the protest and am pretty much at the point that I don’t miss anything about it. There’s a handful of Apollo features I still miss, but at this rate, Voyager will fill in those gaps in no time.

Kbin is so goddamn good it's scary. Reads and posts to both Lemmy and Mastodon, can subscribe by user, community (magazine), or domain. It's new and still under development, so expect bumps, but it absolutely crushes Reddit once you get your subscriptions set.

I keep bouncing between the two. It's great to have options!

I'm a Kbin convert I must say - it's as versatile as you like and considering it's very much under construction it's really impressive how much you can do with it.

I lurked on several different fediverse options before though and none of them were bad but Kbin just clicked for me

Kbin is already 🔥🔥, and with the Artemis app being developed by @hariette, it's even better!
Once it launches it's gonna be a blast.

I'm back on the web portal. Both Liftoff and Jerboa keep saying I'm not signed in, so I can't make posts or comments.

That's likely due to the exploit on your instance.

Most instances as a precautionary measure invalidated all login sessions.

You need to clear cache in tbe app and/or just delete your login and readd it.

I had to do it for Jerboa as my instance admins took the precautionary measure that yours did as well (though it was more necessary for aince they were jit hardest with the exploit)

Had this issue with Liftoff last night, but clearing the cache on the app and relogging fixed my issue. Liftoff had another update today, so hopefully that was a fix for this bug.

Just pretend like you're adding a new server, just use the old server to login again. It did that to me after the exploit got fixed.

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Welcome. Android or iOS?

Hi there! Looks like you linked to a Lemmy community using a URL instead of its name, which doesn't work well for people on different instances. Try fixing it like this: !

Good bot

I have no clue what that bot means.

It means that when you link a community with URL (like, it will not work for people who are not on, because they won't be logged in on If you link like !, the instances will open the link correctly (so for example I am on, and the link for me will be transformed into which allows me to interact with the community).

Okay, but I don't recall even inserting a link into my post. I'm a total noob here and still trying to figure out the jargon, conventions and design of this platform. I probably just need to do some research, but thanks for responding.

Yo, anyone happens to know how to make Infinity For Everything work with Lemmy? Like, I know I need to point it to lemmy (dunno if website or API) but I don't know how

Any user or community just has to be prepended with lemmy:, for example hit Go to User and enter lemmy:efraimbart to view my profile. To view any community or user not on the default instance you can append @<instance> to it, for example

Boost for Reddit is coming out for Lemmy soon. You can pre-register. Same with Sync.

Alternating between liftoff and wefwef

Is it true that if you download from the GitHub you won't automatically get updates? Does the app update itself internally?

I've heard so much praise for Thunder but I don't see it in the Google play store or f-droid, and I don't trust myself to keep it up to date manually.

For anyone on iOS mlem is working great for me. Still in a limited testing but I believe they’re ready to release on the App Store soon.

They are all quite good, the clients. :) And now I have to try Voyager I guess...have to know what it looks like!

Memmy is great. Voyager / Wefwef is my second choice. I still have to use the baseline web interface for some things, including moderating. So it’s still coming together.

But I echo your sentiments. Fuck Reddit’s bullshit.

Thunder, Liftoff and the PWA, since it's the least buggy. But it's the most ugly.

I'm a fan of Connect. It goes a good job with the material you design language. Once the Sync for Lemmy is released, I'll bounce over to that app. Overall, I've been very pleased with Lemmy. It doesn't have the volume of content to the more niche fringes, but it scratches the itch all the same, and I don't have to feel as gross doing it.

You have a lot of good suggestions here already. My contribution will be like an upvote, sharing my impressions of the apps I've tried so far.

Both and thunder are very cool, easy to navigate, simple.

With Liftoff you have more control over the UI. It looks good and it's very fluid.

All are very usable. All contribute to the lemmy experience, making it more fun to use and interact.

Good luck on your lemmy journey.

I'm really digging Liftoff on Android. Simple and painless.

Mlem is an incredibly nice app for IOS users, it reminds me of Apollo so I feel right at home!