7 Post – 87 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

You never wash your belt? I bet you never wash the poop-knife either.


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Really, radio communication is about creating and transmitting those radio waves. Sign language relies on reflected light waves so it’s actually a form of RADAR 😀

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Isn’t every video game just moving colourful blocks?

(Except Quake obviously)

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IBM buys companies because it wants something the company has and it's happy to throw away (sorry, divest) the bits it's not interested in. That's it. The people in the bought company, or their customers, may feel that the things that they valued and that made them precious have been destroyed, but IBM didn't value them enough to preserve them.

“Hey baby, are you a compelling new novel? Because I’d love to lose myself in your sheets. Like sheets of paper, you know, pages. I’m sorry, I’ll leave now.”

You forgot: uses dark mode.

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At least the "reply" button goes away so I don't end up double- triple- or even duodecuple-posting! Thanks for all the hard work that must be going on behind the scenes right now!

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And on the same day when they fucked up their infrastructure so badly that they had to rate-limit all users. Yeah, okay Elon, you can host my community for me.

Yeah, if I’m anything to go by, you’d need to divide these figures by at least three to get to the number of new people. Still, it’s not a bad start.

Oh no. I keep trying to move down to the next level of smaller but well-organised sites that are running smoothly, and they all keep growing like crazy. It's like I'm part of the problem or something.

Watch out, I'm coming for you next! You think that uptime is going to stay at 100%? Pfft.

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I'm not sure that this link really helps your case, given these key points from the description:

The resolution by the British representative, Ambassador Sir Anthony Parsons

demanded an immediate cessation of hostilities between Argentina and the United Kingdom and a complete withdrawal by Argentine forces

Resolution 502 was in the United Kingdom's favour by giving it the option to invoke Article 51 of the United Nations Charter and to claim the right of self-defence

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Since light bounces off walls and is thus confined to individual rooms, there is less interference and higher bandwidth, and traffic is harder to intercept from outside.

What, this Emad Mostaque?

The AI Founder Taking Credit For Stable Diffusion’s Success Has A History Of Exaggeration

Haha, I’m glad I wasted all my (gifted) Reddit Gold on Christian’s farewell to Apollo posts.

Obligatory fuck u/spez, as we used to say on that old site.

Lol at expecting me to read those when you’ve somehow managed to screenshot them at an angle.

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It’s not just you, it’s all of us. But what people really regret when they are facing the end is perhaps different from your fears as expressed here.

Five wishes of the dying:

  1. “I wish I'd had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.”

  2. “I wish I hadn't worked so hard.”

  3. “I wish I'd had the courage to express my feelings.”

  4. “I wish I had stayed in touch with my friends.”

  5. “I wish I had let myself be happier”

From The Top Five Regrets of the Dying: A Life Transformed by the Dearly Departing by Bronnie Ware

he likes to larp in the words of a better man

That’s such a great description of this kind of tech-bro behaviour.

Finally! My chance to answer “yes” to this question:

That is the style at this time.

Lemmy is now your digital dadlife assistant.

That’s a top tip! I’ll update our instructions to our users. Thanks!

I’m not sure that’s the case. Any country that blocks your end-user access to that server would also be blocking your local servers’ access to it too, after all its all just http traffic to the firewall.

I suspect that any differences in content you’re seeing between servers at the moment are down to the massive load that they’re under. Generally the federation functionality seems to be the most processor-intensive and fragile part of the setup.

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I wrote a simple updater that uses your GDPR request data to drive a browser automation tool (Puppeteer) to update your entire account history. It’s in Dart and should be easy to adapt into other languages

Especially the pointless cynicism of a “Didn’t happen” reply. My single most powerful change to make Twitter a less toxic place (ho, ho) when I used it was to block @DHOTYA_ and related keywords and anyone who used them.

If you’ve got any puzzling items around, post them to What is this thing? for us to work on. New content is very welcome!


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What does “zoomed in to check which colour they re-used in the second chart so didn’t even realise there was a third one” count as?

This is the best one today. Top work!

It’s crazy isn’t it? Six months in and Mastodon still hasn’t clicked for me, but six days here and I know I’m not going back to Reddit.

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I hate that this comment got downvoted. It’s a valid thing to worry about and has generated some interesting replies

Sorry I thought you’d done it deliberately as a subtle joke. Are you saying that you don’t see that the first image is slightly slanted and the third one is slanted the other way?

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Sorry, that was me adding some testing accounts 😔

Yes, the group name remains with a deleted flag set. I’ve seen an admin for its home instance go in and delete them when it was brought to their attention, so that’s an option for anyone else having this issue in the future.

There’s this if anyone needs a starter:

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Haha, no it’s all good, and you making the transcription was very thoughtful, but now you’ve seen it you’ll never be able to unsee it.

He must be another new Lemmy user dusting off his old memes.

The version currently on TestFlight is production ready, we’re just getting to grips with AppStore processes right now.

What app and OS? There’s an issue where iOS stores the image orientation in the photo’s EXIF data but Lemmy scrubs all of that for privacy purposes. Fixed in Liftoff! a couple of days ago (I hope) 😀

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Hey Zack, we should probably talk!

I follwed the same route but focused on the iOS side and so I have "Limbo" in TestFlight! Lemmur is such a great base isn't it? It's such a shame that the original devs moved on.

Have a look at my take at

named after that aardvark in that comic book (but they spelt it wrong).

Fixed it for them.