1 Post – 120 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Not really meaning for this to sound as arrogant as it's going to, but... Lemmy is almost entirely populated by nerds so far.

Nerds tend to be open to tech, maybe a little smarter overall. You know? You can tell by the grammar, the spelling. It's a different group here.

Reality is left leaning, and the stupider someone is, in general, the more likely they are to lean right politically. The rest of the right are the really rich, who tend to be up the psychological spectrum toward sociopathic, so of course they would have no time for caring for others' needs.

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As a millennial, we grew up with the phrases "that's gay" and "that's retarded" (which meant the same thing) and obviously we had to learn to phase those out.

While I never once meant "that's disabled" or "that's homosexual"... We obviously don't say that stuff anymore.

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Every time I see an unskippable ad, or a second ad, or fuck even 15 seconds of ads, or I just want audio, I open newpipe instead. Hopefully it keeps working.

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I'm sure reddit algos would have made it into something in the absence of any contributions.

Also remember that most people did not migrate to lemmy. Just us nerds, so far. At least from what I can tell.

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His recent viral moment discussing Biden was about how he's no longer lucid, and shouldn't be let to run for a second term. His guest was trying to say how much worse trump was, but Rogan doesn't really think either ought to be president in 2024.

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But the mom might have a two year old and still be a milf

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Hence why "they" are against wfh

The article isn't very, uh, articulate in its reasoning. Nothing here is an actual real life problem it's all just what-ifs, and 2 billion people aren't going to quit using it

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Our office I'm actually going to give them props for this - they do these events during work hours. Summer bbq? Close office 4 hrs early and it's free drinks and food for everyone. Annual golf event? Tuesday at noon, you can work or you can golf, your call.

Granted I'm too busy to partake for the most part but I'm not a clock puncher, and if I was, I'd appreciate the effort.

Oh noes not the billion dollar company's profits! Anything but the profits!

My God. Chat gpt and my 7 year old could do better. Fuck me.

For fuck sake

But then everything everywhere would look the same - whatever random picture it uses for Blackrock

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That's 3 great reasons to avoid the app.

And if their profile thinks that you're better off your price tags might be higher than someone on welfare

He means one needed cable. It wasn't available purely as a stream

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We have a sandwich shop that runs 24 hrs from Tuesday morning until Saturday night. I've picked up late night supper there and seen people playing cards, etc and just generally hanging out for long stretches.

When I was younger my buddies and I went to a 24 hr diner and played magic into the wee hrs, occasionally leaving only when the earliest breakfast crowd started to roll in.

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Glittery slime for their child. It's the cruelest thing you can buy someone and probably costs closer to $10.

It's not my favourite now, but there was a time in my youth, Ace Ventura is definitely on this list!

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Why even mention no cell phones?

In the 1700s they budgeted by not paying all electric bill! So frugal. 🤣

No one in western society can function or even have a job probably, without a cell phone in 2023

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MPT’s single biggest tenant, representing about a quarter of its assets, is Steward Health, a struggling community hospital chain into which the REIT has plowed more than $5.5 billion since 2016. Steward’s former owner Cerberus Capital Management had extracted at least $800 million from the hospital chain by the time it sold out in 2021 to Steward founder Ralph de la Torre. Along with some senior managers, de la Torre bought out the private equity firm’s interest by taking out a $335 million loan with MPT, and shortly thereafter extracted their own nine-figure dividend from Steward. (Shortly after that, de la Torre bought a super-yacht.)


"we can't afford to privatize healthcare!"

started reading, waiting for the examples of before and after a script went through the process. Started skimming looking for it. Not a word? Wow.

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Oh man. Twenty guys puking because the woman is a man.... For starters

Du hast

In my Canadian market, they are building lots of homes. Many are big, brand new, and listed for 1.2+. Entire streets are just sitting with rows of for sale signs out front. The reason? Only the top 2-3% of income earners qualify for mortgages on these.

Until they drop prices, or interest rates, they won't going anywhere

reading that back I sound like a fucking shill. I do not get kickbacks lmao. Just wanted to share the programs that help when I can't self-host.

The bots are becoming self aware 😰

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I just read the whole thing and didn't hit one... Weird

Probably so they can Target you with an algorithmic price point, but if that's not it, it's so they can change their prices without having to pay someone to retag all the stuff

The most recent viral moment I can remember is the Bill Maher episode from Sept 2

Here it is, jumping in talking about Biden

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Lol. I also have a bridge to sell you

Phone calls are for immediate concerns that's why you need to answer your phone. No one will call you unless it's important

What was the symbol?

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You'll see him try to criticize Biden but Maher doesn't let him, because he just keeps going back to how much worse trump is. While probably correct, Rogan just wanted to dump on the prez without talking about trump, and Maher can't seem to do that.

Someone always benefits when public companies go bankrupt or lose value, so yes.

Honestly, the part I don't get? That they didn't wait to start self sabotaging the business after the insiders had been able to offload their positions in an IPO.

Like, the usual way to do this would have been:

IPO at status quo Redditors buy shares Insiders sell shares and open shorts Reddit begins to implode itself Redditors hold bags, insiders laugh from their yachts

Who, at this point, is going to buy into reddit's IPO?

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It's not hypocrisy, it's for $. $ means it's not hypocrisy. Haven't you been paying attention?

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It's China they could end up hard coding that crap and using face verification and all that stuff.

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Agreed and that'd be great. But also, no that doesn't help this individual right now at all.

Of course a better paying job will help. If your job paid more and you spend the same, suddenly and by definition, the person would not be as broke.

The best time to start with a new browser is when you get a new device. Since you have to re enter your logins or re enable your pw manager anyway, it's just a convenient time. That's when I switched, about 1 year ago when I upgraded phones.

Duckduckgo app tracking blocker is my new jam too. Which I leaned about here on lemmy about 1 weeks ago when I joined

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I did I said... shoulder check.... biiitch

Me. Too.